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blog/glove80-followup #46

Open utterances-bot opened 2 months ago

utterances-bot commented 2 months ago

Follow-up: the Glove80 after six months - Josh Collinsworth blog

An update on my previous first impressions post, covering how it's been using the MoErgo Glove80 every day for the past six months, how it's affected my RSI, and whether I'd recommend it (short answer: yes).

joemoney commented 2 months ago

where did you buy the keycaps custom prints on it? I have my glove 80 for a month now, and I'm loving it. I'm already in the phase were I'm fine tuning my layout and wanted some keycaps with my custom prints on them.

josh-collinsworth commented 2 months ago

where did you buy the keycaps custom prints on it? I have my glove 80 for a month now, and I'm loving it. I'm already in the phase were I'm fine tuning my layout and wanted some keycaps with my custom prints on them.

All of the keycaps you see in the post photo are from this set: