joshaber / Few.swift

Views as functions of their state.
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Input does not seem to follow "stretch" rule #77

Open joshdholtz opened 9 years ago

joshdholtz commented 9 years ago

The Input element does not seem to follow the .childAlignment(.Stretch) property. I have attached a screenshot (I'm bad at designing but these colors are used for clarity of the issue :wink:) and the example view code. I believe my code is right as the "Welcome!" Label and the bottom border views are stretched. BUT please let me know if it is something with just my code :innocent:

Screenshot (duh)

ios simulator screen shot jun 23 2015 9 33 48 pm

Code (even more duh)

return View(backgroundColor: UIColor.lightGrayColor())

        View(backgroundColor: UIColor.orangeColor())
            .margin(Edges(left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, top: 80))
            .padding(Edges(left: 20, right: 20, bottom: 20, top: 20))

                // Label
                { () -> Label in
                    let l = Label("Welcome!",
                        textColor: UIColor.darkGrayColor(),
                        font: UIFont.boldSystemFontOfSize(26))
                        .margin(Edges(left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 20, top: 0))
                    return l

                // Input - Email
                Input(textColor: UIColor.blackColor(),
                    placeholder: "Email",
                    keyboardType: UIKeyboardType.EmailAddress,
                    returnKeyType: UIReturnKeyType.Next,
                    borderStyle: UITextBorderStyle.RoundedRect)
                    .margin(Edges(left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, top: 0)),

                // Border View
                View(backgroundColor: UIColor.darkGrayColor())
                    .margin(Edges(left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 20, top: 2)),

                // Input - Password
                Input(textColor: UIColor.blackColor(),
                    placeholder: "Password",
                    returnKeyType: UIReturnKeyType.Done,
                    secure: true),

                // Border View
                View(backgroundColor: UIColor.darkGrayColor())
                    .margin(Edges(left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 10, top: 2))

joshaber commented 9 years ago

(Sorry for taking so long to answer!)

Ah, yeah, so this is kinda interesting.

Input has a default frame:

which means the layout algorithm will use that instead of taking into account stretchedness, etc. You can fix that by giving it an undefined width:


Then it'll stretch as you'd expect.

But also, be sure to update Few. I just fixed a bug (#80) that would cause the above fix to crash :trollface:

joshdholtz commented 9 years ago

@joshaber I was about to say thanks for answering so quickly! I know how hard it is to stay on top of things :innocent: But I will give that a shot! And is there any reason why Input has a default width of 100?

joshaber commented 9 years ago

And is there any reason why Input has a default width of 100?

Mostly because at the time it seemed like a good idea to have a reasonable default frame. Probably worth revisiting now.

joshdholtz commented 9 years ago

That is valid reasoning :ok_hand: I just want to prevent others from getting hung up on the same thing like I did. Few is super easy to use and I don't want this to deter others from using it if they run into it :blush: I could work on a PR for it if you wouldn't mind.

joshaber commented 9 years ago

I could work on a PR for it if you wouldn't mind.

That'd be great! I wonder if we should still have a default but leave the width undefined?