Open igrep opened 12 years ago
I'm sorry for forgetting to write my gem version: 1.3.7.
I get this exact error too on OS X Lion, ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [universal-darwin11.0]. Tried gem update --system, upgrading http_router & installing thin.
To tell the truth, now I don't get this error since it was updated into some version. Thanks for fixing.
Ah okay, gem install http_router seemed to install the latest version 0.11.0 alongside my older version (0.10.2) and now the problem is gone.
I had to replace every occurrence of #YAML::Syck::DefaultKey:0x... with = in the .gemspec file (like in version 0.10.2) to get rid of the warning.
same problem for me. I'm trying to install padrino on dreamhost (shared hosting). If I run bundle install it seems that all the gems are correctly installed in my .gems folder. But if launch "bundle show sinatra" i've got the same error posted by @igrep :
WARNING: #<ArgumentError: Illformed requirement ["#<YAML::Syck::DefaultKey:0x35bcab52a38> 1.2.8"]>
Installing the gem from the github repo fixes the problem for me.
gem 'http_router', '0.11.0', :git => 'git://'
I got a warning every time require 'rubygems' after updating this library into 0.11.0.
The Warning
My Environment