joshdholtz / DeckUI

Swift DSL for writing slide decks in Xcode
MIT License
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Feature Request - Support basic markdown #29

Open jboulter11 opened 1 year ago

jboulter11 commented 1 year ago

For example: Title("`ClassName` is really important") would render a title where `ClassName` is highlighted like ClassName. Text("\_This\_ is italicized") would render text where _This_ renders like This. Words("\**What\** even is text") would render words where *What* renders like What.

I use these inline highlights a lot and I immediately was missing them when I tried using DeckUI because my title contained something I wanted to highlight.

anttijuu commented 1 year ago

Would this work with AttributedString?

joshdholtz commented 1 year ago

DeckUI totally needs to have this 😊 I'll see what we can do!

Could possibly bring in 🤔