joshdick / onedark.vim

A dark Vim/Neovim color scheme inspired by Atom's One Dark syntax theme.
MIT License
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issue with color theme #295

Closed uziahmed closed 2 years ago

uziahmed commented 2 years ago

this is really not that much of a big issue but i just wanted to know the images of the onedark theme on the are kinda cooler and very similar to the one in atom but i have a much darker and kinda unpleasing color situation here

my init.vim and color situation Screenshot_2022-01-04_03-46-14

what i want image

Terminal Emulator Info

Alacritty 0.9.0

OS version

OS:Manjaro kernel:5.13.19-2-MANJARO

neovim version

neovim version:0.6.0

is there a way to fix it???

uziahmed commented 2 years ago

i read the but found almost nothing that i was looking for

joshdick commented 2 years ago

It looks like you're currently using onedark.vim's 256-color mode. To get the colors to look like the README screenshots, you need to enable true/24-bit color mode by adding set termguicolors to your configuration before colorscheme onedark.vim. If this doesn't work for you, try using the full snippet that appears in Step 2 of the README's installation instructions, instead.

uziahmed commented 2 years ago

i mean it kinda worked and fixed the background but the text is still kinda junky and it still doesnt look like the eye soothing one dark Screenshot_2022-01-04_04-13-00

joshdick commented 2 years ago

The colors now look correct. I'm not sure what you mean by the text is still kinda junky but onedark.vim only styles the colors and nothing else. To change the look of the text, you probably need to experiment with your font / font size / font weight within your alacritty configuration.

The screenshot in the README also utilizes for better syntax highlighting support, but since you're using Neovim you may also want to look into Neither of these will affect the colors themselves, but will affect how they are applied when syntax highlighting different filetypes.

uziahmed commented 2 years ago

i actually meant that the color of the font still kinda doesnt matches the look of the image but anyways thanks for your help and have a great day/night