joshgetter / hassio-addons

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I/O Error #2

Closed britaliano closed 3 years ago

britaliano commented 3 years ago

Hello, thanks for this Add-In.

Trying to implement with a Kasa KC100 camera. In the log for the Add In, I get these messages (obfuscated where necessary):

[Controller] Controller is starting. [Controller] Loading configuration. [Controller] Initial toggle status: True. [Wrapper] Starting Ffmpeg. [Controller] Controller is running. [HealthChecker] Starting health checker. [https @ 0x7fa8224460] No trailing CRLF found in HTTP header. Adding it. [tls @ 0x55ba39f9a0] Error in the pull function. I/O error [HealthChecker] Error detected. [Controller] Restarting Ffmpeg. Retry: 1. [Wrapper] Restarting Ffmpeg. [Wrapper] Killing Ffmpeg. [HealthChecker] Stopping health checker.

My config file:

kasausername: [correct Kasa Username] kasapassword: [correct Kasa Password] cameraip: cameraname: kitchencam retrylimit: 5

Added to configuration.yaml:


Have I messed up on the config?

joshgetter commented 3 years ago

@britaliano - I think your config looks fine. I actually get a similar error from time to time, I'm still looking for the cause of the problem. My current theory is that the camera will occasionally get I/O errors which messes with the stream. Generally the retries don't really help much because the camera will be stuck in a bad state. I'm looking for an actual solution, but in the meantime I'm thinking of adding a delay between retries to give the camera a chance to start the stream again.

britaliano commented 3 years ago

Thanks Josh. I have actually never had it working at all, it’s not intermittent.

Having said that, grateful for the work you have done so far and fingers crossed that you find a solution.

In another version of our universe, Tp Link actually allow users to use the tools they have paid for in the way they want to.

joshgetter commented 3 years ago

Appreciate the kind words. Actually after looking at your config a bit closer it looks like you have the camera ip entered in the configuration.yaml. That should actually be the home assistant host ip.

So the configuration.yaml would be: still_image_url: "http://<HA IP>:43330/thumbnails/kitchencam.jpg" stream_source: "http://<HA IP>:43330/hls/kitchencam.m3u8"

I think the readme is wrong and shows the camera ip in the configuration.yaml so I’ll update that.

britaliano commented 3 years ago

It works with the change you suggested!

I see the still image, not the stream but I will work on that.

Thanks again!