joshhunt / GhostOverlay

"You're going to see a lot of things you won't understand"
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
42 stars 9 forks source link

Widget not auto-updating when left in foreground. #17

Open fyreaken opened 4 years ago

fyreaken commented 4 years ago

Widget will only update with WIN + G or after many hours, longest i've had it go is 3 hours

joshhunt commented 4 years ago

When this happens, does the spinner next to the last updated time spin indefinetely?

fyreaken commented 4 years ago

No it doesn't, time only updates by doing win + g but then stays as Updated (mins seconds) ago.

The amount of mins & seconds will keep going up and up, and won't refresh unless I open game bar using win + g.

joshhunt commented 4 years ago

You're not the first person to report this, but at this point I'm not entirely sure what's causing it.

Usually you can work around this by closing all widgets and reopening (or using Task Maanger to force quit GhostOverlay.exe) and Ghost will get back into a state where it'll refresh frequently again.