joshhunt / GhostOverlay

"You're going to see a lot of things you won't understand"
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Widget hangs on login #4

Closed Terri-bad closed 4 years ago

Terri-bad commented 4 years ago

After logging in, the widget hangs on 'Loading Profile...'. Widget hangs on loading profile

drastikk commented 4 years ago

I'm having this problem too. I want to use this so bad. Posting here to follow progress.

maxlesser commented 4 years ago

I am also having this issue. If there's any account info or repro I can provide to help track down what's happening, just let me know, I am happy to provide.

joshhunt commented 4 years ago

I wonder, what's your Bungie account situation? Have you enabled cross save? Do you have multiple platforms (Steam, Xbox, Playstation, etc) linked to your Bungie account?

maxlesser commented 4 years ago

Played D1 on Xbox, so maybe that platform is linked to my bungie account. Everything since then has been PC, don't think I have enabled cross save (though maybe you had to do that when transitioning from to steam?)

Terri-bad commented 4 years ago

I played D1 on XBOX, D2, on before switching to Steam. I think I enabled Cross-Save, and I think I even linked Stadia when I did the free trial.

joshhunt commented 4 years ago

One thing I would just check, while i work on investigating, is if you only play Destiny 2 on one platform to enable Cross Save on your account and reset Ghost and try again.

My current hunch is that Ghost is having trouble picking the correct Destiny account, but I still need to investigate, but enabling cross save will bench your other profiles, so there's only the one main for Ghost to use.

drastikk commented 4 years ago

I only played on I migrated my account to Steam during the handover but have never played D2 on another platform (I played D1 on PS3 but I don't think that would be relevant).

Terri-bad commented 4 years ago

Josh, after checking if I enabled Cross-Save, I found that I did not. I then proceeded to activate Cross-Save and chose my Steam account to be primary across all platforms and BOOM! Just like that, everything is working as it should. Correctly enabling Cross-Save was vital in fixing the issue of the "Loading Profile" hangup.

drastikk commented 4 years ago

I just did what Terri-bad said and it worked! I enabled cross-save from Steam to my Sony PS account (even though I haven't played since D1 on PS3) and it worked! Looks like that is the fix!

maxlesser commented 4 years ago

That did it for me as well!

Terri-bad commented 4 years ago

Activate Cross-Save, select your Primary Account, and enjoy this amazing widget.