joshiejack / Mariculture

Minecraft Mod
MIT License
44 stars 42 forks source link

Fluid registry issue with Mariculture and TSteelworks: Value Already Present: limestone.molten #307

Closed belathus closed 9 years ago

belathus commented 9 years ago

It was not a crash. And interestingly, with both mods installed, I can easily start the server or start a single player world. I cannot, however, join a server. Removing TSteelworks does fix this issue, but I'd rather not if I can help it.

I also submitted this to Ephys here.

Yulife commented 9 years ago

This might sound silly but test it without CustomItems mod. I used to fiddle around with Limestone in that mod in the pack you get this from.

joshiejack commented 9 years ago

My molten limestone is registered as quicklime. So this has nothing to do with me. What forge version are you using btw.

belathus commented 9 years ago

Forge 1448. I've heard that this particular issue may be related to a change to Forge in 1407?

TBK commented 9 years ago

Forge 1421 changed fluids, I have submitted a pull request for the 1.3.0 and 1.2.4 branches for fix the issue and make Mariculture work with forge-1.7.10-