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How to use gh auth login CLI Programmatically in GitHub Actions | josh-ops #13

Open utterances-bot opened 2 years ago

utterances-bot commented 2 years ago

How to use gh auth login CLI Programmatically in GitHub Actions | josh-ops

Using the gh cli to programmatically authenticate in GitHub Actions

shuuji3 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for sharing useful tips! 🙂 I was searching the same issue and found another way to set the token. gh check specific environment variables (gh environment | GitHub CLI) so we can also set GH_TOKEN environment variable like the following:

  - pull_request
  GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

This might be helpful in some case.

joshjohanning commented 2 years ago

ahh! That is super helpful, thanks for the tip @shuuji3 !

Then you can just run your regular gh commands with GH_TOKEN set, very nice.

joshjohanning commented 2 years ago

I just updated the post to reflect this :)


shuuji3 commented 2 years ago

Nice! Thank you for the update.

harsid17 commented 1 year ago

Hey Josh, thanks for this! I was running into an issue using this auth method and was wondering if you could help! I wanted to use the command gh release edit --repo $REPO_TWO within a workflow in REPO_ONE. Both repos are private repos. So I set up auth as you mentioned:

       GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
       REPO_TWO: 'some-other-private-repo`

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
           - name: CLI Auth
              run: |
                   gh api -X GET /repos/${{ GITHUB.REPOSITORY }}/topics --jq='.names'

           - name: Release
              run: |
                   gh release edit --repo $REPO_TWO .....

With this, I still run into a HTTP 404 error on the Release step, which leads me to believe Auth isn't working properly. Is there a different auth step I need since I'm referencing REPO_TWO?

joshjohanning commented 1 year ago

Yes @harsid17! Since you're accessing resources outside of the repo where you are running your action, you will have to create a secret in this repo with a PAT that you generate and refer to that. The ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} only has access to resources in the current repo.

This would be a good use case for the newer "fine-grained" PATs, otherwise a PAT that you create would have access to ALL repositories that you have access to, and with the fine-grained PAT, you can only give it access to $REPO_TWO.

Then something like this:

  GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.MY_PAT }}
  REPO_TWO: 'some-other-private-repo`
harsid17 commented 1 year ago

that makes sense. Is there a way to authenticate without needing a PAT? Wondering as both private repos are under an organization with limited to no access to generating/storing secrets other than those provided

joshjohanning commented 1 year ago

Yes @harsid17! The better way is to use a GitHub app: temporary generated authentication that doesn't rely on an individual user. See my other post for an example of how you could implement this in Actions.

But you would need to have an administrator in the organization install the app on the target repository for you 😢 .

harsid17 commented 1 year ago

This is great, thanks so much!

james-s-w-clark commented 1 year ago

This has been a really helpful resource! There are a few things I'd like to add, which may help other users of GitHub Enterprise:

joshjohanning commented 1 year ago

Great tip @IdiosApps on the GH_HOST and --hostname parameters for GHES - thank you!