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ApproveOps: GitHub IssueOps with Approvals | josh-ops #14

Open utterances-bot opened 2 years ago

utterances-bot commented 2 years ago

ApproveOps: GitHub IssueOps with Approvals | josh-ops

Using GitHub Actions to build automation on top of Issues (IssueOps) with Approvals from someone in a designated GitHub team

RafPe commented 2 years ago

interesting approach - I have created similar one using graphql and adding dependency on subsequent jobs...

So in my case approval will only start when a specific comment exxcluding my account would be triggered :)

    if: |
      github.event.issue.pull_request && github.event.comment.login != 'my-automation-account' && (
        startsWith( github.event.comment.body, '/do-x' ) ||
        startsWith( github.event.comment.body, '/do-y' )        
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: hmarr/debug-action@v2
      - name: check/pr-approved
        id: approval
        run: |
          echo ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} | gh auth login --with-token

          APPROVAL_STATE=$(gh api graphql -F org='RafPe' -F repo=${{ }} -F pr=${{ github.event.issue.number  }}  -f query=' query approval($org: String!,$repo: String!,$pr: Int!) { repository(name: $repo, owner: $org) { pullRequest(number: $pr) { title reviewDecision url } } }' -q '.data.repository.pullRequest.reviewDecision')
          echo "I have status of $APPROVAL_STATE"

          echo "::set-output name=state::$APPROVAL_STATE" 

      - name: missing-approval
        if: steps.approval.outputs.state != 'APPROVED'
        uses: actions/github-script@v3
          script: |
              core.setFailed('Missing approval!')

    needs: approval-check
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      workspaces: ${{ steps.parser.outputs.workspaces }}
      apply: ${{ steps.parser.outputs.apply  }}
      brand: ${{ steps.parser.outputs.brand  }}
      - uses: hmarr/debug-action@v2

      - name: parse comment
        id: parser
        # ..... rest of the code to parse comes here 
joshjohanning commented 1 year ago

@RafPe That's a great example of a complex condition!

    if: |
      github.event.issue.pull_request && github.event.comment.login != 'my-automation-account' && (
        startsWith( github.event.comment.body, '/do-x' ) ||
        startsWith( github.event.comment.body, '/do-y' )        

And I see, so not so much of an approval per se, but requiring someone other than the pull request creator to issue the command. ,

Also, setting the job as "failed" if it doesn't meet the requirements. I go back and forth, but I don't like my job showing as "red" (aka failed) if it is missing something like this since then it kind of looks like something went wrong. In my favorite example of this, I just don't run the second job when it doesn't meet the criteria.