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Fix google_site_verification HTML Tag #19

Closed ruzickap closed 1 year ago

ruzickap commented 1 year ago

Current value is giving wrong HTML tag:

<meta name="google-site-verification" content="google-site-verification=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" />

The correct one is without google-site-verification= prefix...

joshjohanning commented 1 year ago

ahh nice catch @ruzickap that does perhaps seem like an oversight on my part.

But I think it still works? My site is verified in the google search console!

ruzickap commented 1 year ago

Maybe it was working in the past...

I created band new site and use the google_site_verification: google-site-verification=xxxxxxxxx and Google was not able to verify it...

So it means - if you delete your site from the Google Search Console now and try to register it again using the HTML tag method - you will not be able to complete the verification... (Maybe in the past you used another form of "owner verification" - maybe DNS ? Not sure...)

Anyway - what you have in the _config.yml is not right...

joshjohanning commented 1 year ago

Ahh gotcha. Thank you @ruzickap for pointing out! 🙇