joshsh / ripple

Semantic Web scripting language
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is there any way to create titan property key first, commit and then later do indexing? #63

Open chaofengxia opened 7 years ago

chaofengxia commented 7 years ago

hi joshsh, ihave some problem on titan,ask for your help . there are many titan 1.0 instances running online now

i create the property key ( like 'userId' )first, commit .

then i create a CompositeIndex for 'userId' . i found the index status is INSTALLED

when i want to change index status like mgmt.updateIndex(scheme_userId, SchemaAction.REGISTER_INDEX); i found the index status is always INSTALLED .

I found a similar problem in the Internet like "" so is is there any way to create the property key first, commit and then later do indexing???