It could be because my prior and likelihoods are defined as callbacks within a class.
def _construct_dynesty_posterior(self):
Construct the likelihood and prior for dynesty.
for info see:
# First update the free parameters (in case the user changed them after the construction of the class)
def loglike(trial_values):
# NOTE: the _log_like function DOES NOT assign trial_values to the parameters
for i, parameter in enumerate(self._free_parameters.values()):
parameter.value = trial_values[i]
log_like = self._log_like(trial_values)
if self.verbose:
n_par = len(self._free_parameters)
print("Trial values %s gave a log_like of %s" % (map(lambda i: "%.2g" % trial_values[i], range(n_par)),
return log_like
# Now construct the prior
# dynesty priors are defined on the unit cube
# and should return the value in the bounds... not the
# probability. Therefore, we must make some transforms
def prior(uparams):
params = np.empty_like(uparams)
for i, (parameter_name, parameter) in enumerate(self._free_parameters.iteritems()):
# get the param in real space from unit space
params[i] = parameter.prior.from_unit_cube(uparams[i])
except AttributeError:
raise RuntimeError("The prior you are trying to use for parameter %s is "
"not compatible with dynesty" % parameter_name)
return params
n_dim = len(self._free_parameters)
_ = prior([0.5] * n_dim)
return loglike, prior
I think so. The parallelization scheme is extremely simplistic (see here and here), where I just swap in instead of the typical map when making function calls. Since this involves some bundling of methods, it's possible it's just failing to register these internal class functions properly.
I'm getting the following error when trying to use and MPI pool
[0:apply]: TypeError: cinit() takes exactly 1 positional argument (0 given) [1:apply]: TypeError: cinit() takes exactly 1 positional argument (0 given) [2:apply]: TypeError: cinit() takes exactly 1 positional argument (0 given) [3:apply]: TypeError: cinit() takes exactly 1 positional argument (0 given)
It could be because my prior and likelihoods are defined as callbacks within a class.
Is this expected?