Closed cforce closed 13 years ago
I have added full localization support and it should be in the next commit. I am still a bit newer to the design of these plugins so I wasn't aware of the localization system. I was going to add your translations in, but I slightly altered the English translations to be more clear and added localization for several other parts of the chat plugin. A few of these configuration lines are for upcoming features I hope to implement. If you do more translations and post them here I will include them into commits.
Thank you for this issue report and for posting this information here.
german Translation de.yml (Please use UTF-8 without BOM, because of Umlaute)
label_setting_messages_from_self_as_self: 'Eigene Nachrichten mit dem Label "Ich" anzeigen.' label_setting_color_messages_from_self: 'Eigene Nachrichten in Farbe anzeigen.' label_setting_show_full_names: 'Zeige den vollstaendigen Namen im Chat an.' label_setting_num_recent_messages: 'Anzahl der zuletzt geschriebenen Nachrichten, welche im Chat angezeigt werden sollen.' label_setting_poll_frequency: 'Polling Frequenz des Plugins.' label_settings_header: 'Diese Einstellungen sind Platzhalter für zukünftige Funktionen, die bisher noch nicht oder nicht vollständig implementiert sind.'
label_chat_self: 'Du' label_chat_says: 'sagt'
label_transcript_header: 'Chat Protokoll'
label_chat_toggle_button: 'Chat'
Localization Applied. Let me know if you encounter any issues.
I tried to localize the setup menu in german, but i found two places to translations files. "config/locales" and "lang". Which one to use? In both en.yml there are no labels seen in menu, did't you use labels? i patched some files for this reason, using label and translations for en and de.
<%= l(:label_showmessagesfromyou) %> <%= l(:label_colormessages) %> <%= l(:label_showfullname) %>
English strings go here for Rails i18n
en: label_showmessagesfromyou: "Show Me for messages from you" label_colormessages: "Color my messages" label_showfullname: "Show fullname"
German strings go here for Rails i18n
de: label_showmessagesfromyou: "eigene Nachrichten anzeigen" label_colormessages: "zeige Nachrichten in Farbe" label_showfullname: "zeige den vollstaendigen Namen"