joshstevens19 / simple-uniswap-sdk

Uniswap SDK which handles the routes automatically for you, changes in trade quotes reactive subscriptions, exposure to formatted easy to understand information, bringing back the best trade quotes automatically, generating transactions for you and much more.
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bug(avalanche): native token _ETH is not valid #50

Open mburger81 opened 2 years ago

mburger81 commented 2 years ago

I'm using the simple-uniswap-sdkand your angular swap on the AVALANCHE main net. But there are problems with the NATIVE token.

My config is mainly this:

(customNetworkData = {
          nameNetwork: 'Avalanche',
          multicallContractAddress: '0xed386Fe855C1EFf2f843B910923Dd8846E45C5A4',
          nativeCurrency: {
              name: 'AVAX',
              symbol: 'AVAX',
          nativeWrappedTokenInfo: {
              chainId: 43114,
              contractAddress: '0xB31f66AA3C1e785363F0875A1B74E27b85FD66c7',
              decimals: 18,
              symbol: 'AVAX', // WAVAX
              name: 'AVAX' // Wrapped AVAX
          baseTokens: {
              usdt: {
                  chainId: 43114,
                  contractAddress: '0xc7198437980c041c805A1EDcbA50c1Ce5db95118',
                  decimals: 6,
                  symbol: 'USDT.e',
                  name: 'USDT.e'
              usdc: {
                  chainId: 43114,
                  contractAddress: '0xa7d7079b0fead91f3e65f86e8915cb59c1a4c664',
                  decimals: 6,
                  symbol: 'USDC.e',
                  name: 'USDC.e'
              wbtc: {
                  chainId: 43114,
                  contractAddress: '0x152b9d0fdc40c096757f570a51e494bd4b943e50',
                  decimals: 8,
                  symbol: 'BTC.b',
                  name: 'BTC.b'


this.uniswapDappSharedLogicContext  = {
      supportedNetworkTokens: [
          chainId: 43114,
          // 0xB31f66AA3C1e785363F0875A1B74E27b85FD66c7_ETH
          defaultInputToken: '0xB97EF9Ef8734C71904D8002F8b6Bc66Dd9c48a6E', // USDC
          defaultOutputToken: '0xB31f66AA3C1e785363F0875A1B74E27b85FD66c7_ETH', // FOOK
          supportedTokens: [
            { contractAddress: '0x95923F63dA09B4f7520f7C65a31F318D8228B744', tokenImageContext: { image: tokens.fook.logo , isSvg: false } }, // FOOK
            { contractAddress: '0x71124b9199B97E0E232Aee3909e3B0eC28402611', tokenImageContext: { image: tokens.fook.logo, isSvg: false } }, // FOOKF
            { contractAddress: '0x27301e48aF707F950765d5570d7279a6e3E3BC5B', tokenImageContext: { image: tokens.fookz.logo, isSvg: false } }, // FOOKZ
            { contractAddress: '0xB97EF9Ef8734C71904D8002F8b6Bc66Dd9c48a6E', tokenImageContext: { image: tokens.usdc.logo, isSvg: false } }, // USDC
            { contractAddress: '0x152b9d0fdc40c096757f570a51e494bd4b943e50', tokenImageContext: { image: tokens.wbtc.logo, isSvg: false } }, // BTC.b
            // { contractAddress: '0xB31f66AA3C1e785363F0875A1B74E27b85FD66c7_ETH', tokenImageContext: { image: tokens.avax.logo , isSvg: false } }, // AVAX
            { contractAddress: '0xB31f66AA3C1e785363F0875A1B74E27b85FD66c7', tokenImageContext: { image: tokens.avax.logo , isSvg: false } } // AVAX
            // { contractAddress: '0xc7198437980c041c805A1EDcbA50c1Ce5db95118' }, // USDT.e
            // { contractAddress: '0xa7d7079b0fead91f3e65f86e8915cb59c1a4c664' } // USDC.e
      ethereumAddress: userAddress,
      ethereumProvider: this.web3Service.provider,
      providerUrl: providerUrl,
      settings: new UniswapPairSettings({
          slippage: 0.005,
          deadlineMinutes: 15,
          disableMultihops: false,
          uniswapVersions: [UniswapVersion.v2],
          cloneUniswapContractDetails: targets,
          customNetwork: customNetworkData

It seems that the logic is adding a "_ETH" at the Wrapped WAVAX token address. But once I choose to use this "_ETH" token for the from or to token, so to swap AVAX to another tooken I run into the issue

ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): UniswapError: invalid from or to contract tokens
UniswapError: invalid from or to contract tokens
    at new UniswapError (uniswap-error.js:17:28)
    at TokensFactory.<anonymous> (tokens.factory.js:123:31)
    at step (tokens.factory.js:32:23)
    at (tokens.factory.js:13:53)

@joshstevens19 @liu-zhipeng @vm06007

joshstevens19 commented 1 year ago

can you supply me a full code snippet please

mburger81 commented 1 year ago

I found that, If I forked the lib and added new support for Avalanche main and test net, the issue from the SWAP libs are resolved. So I suggest I prepare the fork and the merge request

BTW without doing anything not all tests passed

Test Suites: 4 failed, 22 passed, 26 total
Tests:       16 failed, 3 skipped, 206 passed, 225 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        168.614s
Ran all test suites.
joshstevens19 commented 1 year ago

sure do the PR and we can discuss.. tests pass now on master but can investigate if CI fails thanks

mburger81 commented 1 year ago

Honestly the error where already there on a clean fork from master

I created the PR #51, I updated dependencies and added just the chain infos for avalanche main and testnet