joshstrange / Ziptastic

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Open raskalito opened 10 years ago

raskalito commented 10 years ago

Please could you add missing fields and remove capitalization of letters. example: {"city": "Owosso", "country": "US", "county": "Shiawassee", "state": "Michigan", "state_short": "MI", "postal_code": "48867"} ?({"country":"US","state":"MI","city":"OWOSSO"})

Desired result for jsonp: ?({"city": "Owosso", "country": "US", "county": "Shiawassee", "state": "Michigan", "state_short": "MI", "postal_code": "48867"})

Tachyon2032 commented 8 years ago

Could really use "County" field as well.


joshstrange commented 8 years ago

ziptastic is based 100% on a sqlite DB that has not been updated in over 4 years.

This is not an actively maintained project and I only leave up the site because it gets 4 million hits/mo and I don't want to break what is built on top of it. That said I will not be updating it further or adding new features as this not something that I have any interest in supporting.

If pull requests are submitted I will look at them and even deploy the code out to the server but I cannot dedicate any more time to this project.

Sorry, I ran the website as merely a proof of concept and never anticipated that it would be used for anything but an example. There are many other tools out there that provide better results and I suggest you look into implementing one of them or taking a look at the paid services that do this.

Tachyon2032 commented 8 years ago

Totally understand. I found many solutions, but yours was the cleanest and most simple (and free). Really appreciate your efforts here. 4 mil hits a month!? Shame you can't monetize that. :-). Best to you, man, and thanks again.

tonycchung commented 8 years ago

Is this what's powering The faq on that site says they're constantly updating their data.

That said I'd really prefer to use and be more than willing to pay for a reliable, up to date service.

joshstrange commented 8 years ago

@tonycchung This repo is not what is powering it IS powering

This repo and the website ( are not being updated/maintained. I will continue to provide the service for free for as long as it's possible (with outdated data) but I have no plans to monetize or change what is currently live. My hope is that as the data falls further out of date people will move away from it but I'd prefer not to break code that is in production for people when it's no skin off my nose to leave it running. Of course I never anticipated it being used other than for testing/demo purposes and told that to anyone that asked but due to not calling that out better I guess I am to blame for that. I am going to update the README right now to call out this is not supported/maintained to ward off new users but for the existing ones my plan is to do nothing as I have no way to contact them to get them to move off.

tonycchung commented 8 years ago

Hey @joshstrange thanks for the update! I guess I was just confusing this with since they're both using the ziptastic name. I'll reach out to Tom at for further clarification. Thanks again!