joshtronic / php-googleplaces

PHP Wrapper for the Google Places API
MIT License
84 stars 38 forks source link

Divide and conquer #7

Closed jonathanstanley closed 10 years ago

jonathanstanley commented 10 years ago

This isn't polished at all, but most of the heavy lifting is done.

I think this gets us 90% towards the goal of issue

joshtronic commented 10 years ago

Very nice!!

Surt commented 8 years ago

Hi, any news about this feature? is it possible to use it? seems like a great addition and I'm actually in need of it.

EDITED: actually I saw it, it's done automatically when subradius is defined. In any case google responds with an INVALID_REQUEST response.

joshtronic commented 8 years ago

ACK That's no good @Surt ... feel free to debug and resolve if you have a moment. I'll try to make some time this week to see what may be happening. @bristweb feel free to check into it if you have time as well.


jonathanstanley commented 8 years ago

Hmm I took a look at some comments I left here:

It looks like you need to set the radius and subradius to an integer. ex: $radius = 40000; $subradius = 20000;

The script shouldn't alter the request other than simply creating a bunch of smaller requests. Does the request work if you do not set the subradius?

Other than that... it's been a little while since I've looked at this....

Surt commented 8 years ago

It works like a charm. It was my fault due to the use of $google_places->rankby = 'distance'; didn't have the time to check it deeper but getting rid of it it works right.

Thanks a lot for your work

joshtronic commented 8 years ago

@Surt glad it worked out! Should probably add something in there to raise an exception or ignore the flag if it's there. Appreciate you bringing this to my attention!