joshua-ne / FIL_DC_Allocator_1022

This repo serves as a bookkeeping tool for DC allocation from Allocator_1022
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[DataCap Application] Commoncrawl #7

Open gimims opened 1 month ago

gimims commented 1 month ago



DataCap Applicant

DataVault Solutions

Project ID

DataVault Solutions-03

Data Owner Name


Data Owner Country/Region

United States

Data Owner Industry

Life Science / Healthcare


Social Media Handle

Social Media Type


What is your role related to the dataset

Data Preparer

Total amount of DataCap being requested


Expected size of single dataset (one copy)


Number of replicas to store


Weekly allocation of DataCap requested


On-chain address for first allocation


Data Type of Application

Public, Open Dataset (Research/Non-Profit)

Custom multisig


No response

Share a brief history of your project and organization

DataVault Solutions is a leading company specializing in data storage and management. We provide reliable, secure, and efficient data storage solutions to help our clients manage and protect their critical business data.

As an innovative technology company, DataVault Solutions is dedicated to providing customized data storage solutions for businesses across various industries. Our team consists of experienced data management and technical experts with extensive knowledge and skills to address data requirements of different scales and complexities.

Our core products include high-performance storage systems, cloud storage solutions, backup and recovery services, and data security solutions. Our solutions are designed to deliver reliability, scalability, and flexibility to meet the ever-growing data storage needs of our clients.

Is this project associated with other projects/ecosystem stakeholders?


If answered yes, what are the other projects/ecosystem stakeholders

No response

Describe the data being stored onto Filecoin

Common Crawl maintains a free, open repository of web crawl data that can be used by anyone.
Primary training corpus in every LLM.82% of raw tokens used to train GPT-3.Free and open corpus since 2007.Cited in over 8000 research papers.3–5 billion new pages added each month.

Where was the data currently stored in this dataset sourced from

AWS Cloud

If you answered "Other" in the previous question, enter the details here

No response

If you are a data preparer. What is your location (Country/Region)

United States

If you are a data preparer, how will the data be prepared? Please include tooling used and technical details?

No response

If you are not preparing the data, who will prepare the data? (Provide name and business)

No response

Has this dataset been stored on the Filecoin network before? If so, please explain and make the case why you would like to store this dataset again to the network. Provide details on preparation and/or SP distribution.

No response

Please share a sample of the data

Confirm that this is a public dataset that can be retrieved by anyone on the Network

If you chose not to confirm, what was the reason

No response

What is the expected retrieval frequency for this data


For how long do you plan to keep this dataset stored on Filecoin

2 to 3 years

In which geographies do you plan on making storage deals

Greater China, Asia other than Greater China, Europe

How will you be distributing your data to storage providers

Cloud storage (i.e. S3), IPFS, Shipping hard drives

How did you find your storage providers


If you answered "Others" in the previous question, what is the tool or platform you used

No response

Please list the provider IDs and location of the storage providers you will be working with.


How do you plan to make deals to your storage providers

Boost client, Lotus client, Singularity

If you answered "Others/custom tool" in the previous question, enter the details here

No response

Can you confirm that you will follow the Fil+ guideline


datacap-bot[bot] commented 1 month ago

Application is waiting for allocator review

joshua-ne commented 1 month ago

Hey, glad to see you are storing data on Filecoin Network. I have a couple of questions that need your clarification.

  1. Please declare why you want to store your data on Filecoin?
  2. How much data have you previously stored on Filecoin by now? Is the data you are storing now new?
gimims commented 1 month ago
  1. Dear allocator, our findings are that this is a very large public data set and this is meaningful data. We hope to help Filecoin and SP store data on the Filecoin network.
  2. We have applied for LDN from multiple allocators, but no one has passed us so far. We hope to get your help.
joshua-ne commented 1 month ago

I see that you are planning to store 6 replicas for your data, but only 4 miners are listed. Are you planning to store multiple replicas on some of the 4 listed miners, or are we expecting more miners to join in the near future? @gimims

gimims commented 1 month ago

Dear, we will add more SP, 4 SP is just the plan for the first 2 rounds, and we will increase it to 6-8 SP in the later period.

Sincerely, I hope to get your help.

joshua-ne commented 1 month ago

Okay, everything seems good to me. We can start with 100TB DC first.

datacap-bot[bot] commented 1 month ago

Datacap Request Trigger

Total DataCap requested


Expected weekly DataCap usage rate


DataCap Amount - First Tranche


Client address


datacap-bot[bot] commented 1 month ago

Application is in Refill

joshua-ne commented 1 month ago


datacap-bot[bot] commented 1 month ago

DataCap and CID Checker Report[^1]

There is no previous allocation for this issue.

[^1]: To manually trigger this report, add a comment with text checker:manualTrigger

joshua-ne commented 1 month ago


datacap-bot[bot] commented 1 month ago

DataCap and CID Checker Report[^1]

There is no previous allocation for this issue.

[^1]: To manually trigger this report, add a comment with text checker:manualTrigger

gimims commented 1 month ago


datacap-bot[bot] commented 1 month ago

DataCap and CID Checker Report[^1]

There is no previous allocation for this issue.

[^1]: To manually trigger this report, add a comment with text checker:manualTrigger

mitchellsoo commented 2 weeks ago


datacap-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

DataCap and CID Checker Report[^1]

There is no previous allocation for this issue.

[^1]: To manually trigger this report, add a comment with text checker:manualTrigger

joshua-ne commented 1 week ago

Hi just checking in. If you would need further allocations, please upload a copy of all your previous deals in a csv file, including miner_id, data_cid, etc., so that we could check on your retrieval success rate. Thanks!

filecoin-watchdog commented 1 week ago


datacap-bot[bot] commented 1 week ago

DataCap and CID Checker Report[^1]

There is no previous allocation for this issue.

[^1]: To manually trigger this report, add a comment with text checker:manualTrigger