joshuaaduarte / calorieTracker

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Minor tweaks #1

Open luisegarduno opened 2 years ago

luisegarduno commented 2 years ago
  1. (***see note)
    • [ ] Between Goals & Initial Use headers, replace '___' w/ a newline instead.
  2. .idea (***see note)
    • This folder only contains IDE settings (your program doesn't need them to run). When working in main branch it's best practice to not commit IDE settings onto github.
      • [ ] To make GitHub ignore this folder w/o removing it from your actual computer: Inside of your calorieTracker folder, create a file called .gitignore (include the period), & inside it write .idea/*.
          • [ ] Give easier method to select weight metric. Ex: kg or lbs (1/2) --> 2
          • [ ] Not everyone has the csv python library installed. Verify that the csv package is installed on the user's computer, prior to importing it (aka don't run import csv, until you're sure it's installed.)
          • Beware of edge case errors:
      • [ ] Entering letters for weight, age, etc.
      • [ ] Fix spaces in-between inputs. Ex: Height: 7 3
      • [ ] Invalid arguments. Ex: Weight:130 & GoalWeight: 131
      • [ ] Uppercase/lowercase checking: program allows files to be created w/ uppercase characters, but when searching for existing users it only checks for lowercase names. Ex: Josh_Duarte.csv != josh_duarte.csv
        • [ ] Improve formatting when printing to terminal. Ex: When printing summarized info of user, it's messy. Try stacking instead of only using 1 line.
        • [ ] Clear the terminal occasionally to get rid of clutter.
      • Ex: clear terminal (@ start) -> initial user input (name,age,gender,etc) -> clear terminal -> print user summary -> wait for user input (Y/N) -> ClearTerminal -> etc).
        • [ ] When selecting N for Does this look right?, don't make the user re-enter information that's correct. Ex: If the age doesn't need to be changed, allow the user to be able to press enter to move onto the next question (e.g. Age (current: 27): Press enter to continue).
        • [ ] If user file (.csv) already exists, output a msg saying so.

**The default is to just make GitHub create both of these files ( & .gitignore) for you no matter how small/big the project is (see pic).

luisegarduno commented 2 years ago

In terms of how to structure the actual code, go look through the source code of MyWeather (don't worry, the code has comments + a good It includes stuff that I mentioned in the comment above (clearing terminal, improved formatting, checking for installed python packages, etc.).

Feel free to run it to see what the output looks like. You can use this AccuWeather API key, which I texted you the password for.

luisegarduno commented 2 years ago

Jupyter Notebook w/ MarkUp