joshuacox / mkdomoticz

Make a persistent domoticz container PDQ
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Not really an issue: how to active ssl from DOMOTICZ_OPTS #13

Open stromboli59 opened 6 years ago

stromboli59 commented 6 years ago

Hi Joshua,

I've a sonos one with Alexa and i use your image to dockerize domoticz. I'm a newbie in docker and i used the configuration by default on port 8080. It's working nicely. But now i want to connect Alexa with domoticz and i need to use SSL port. At my knowledge, only one skill work with Alexa, called Controlicz that only works with SSL. I've tried " export DOMOTICZ_OPTS='-sslwww 443 -www 0' " before running docker without result And after i used -p 443:433 in docker run. Can you help me. Thank for your reply.

PS: sorry for my english, i'm french.

joshuacox commented 6 years ago

No worries! Thanks for giving me some feedback. So far as SSL, I am not certain that image even has the facilities for certificates etc. I have always done it with something else like:

Although at the moment I'm transitioning to voyager:

I will update this image and give this a little thought. But the best bet is to use something dedicated to ingress like the above.

I will also try out controlicz