joshuadanpeterson / typewriter.nvim

A Neovim plugin that emulates a typewriter, keeping the cursor centered on the screen for a focused writing experience.
MIT License
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TWCenter centers the line, not the code block #9

Closed Rasmus-Bertell closed 1 month ago

Rasmus-Bertell commented 1 month ago

It might be that I'm not using this plugin right, but when calling TWCenter the plugin centers the current line and not the code block as per documentation. I have treesitter installed and parsers installed.

joshuadanpeterson commented 1 month ago

@Rasmus-Bertell Could you share your plugin config?

Rasmus-Bertell commented 1 month ago

I'll create a minimal repro config on friday or saturday.

joshuadanpeterson commented 1 month ago

I ask because if you have keep_cursor_position set to true, then TWCenter centers the current line, not the code block. Set keep_cursor_position to false, and it'll center the code block

Rasmus-Bertell commented 1 month ago

I thought that might have been the problem, but testing it without keep_cursor_position doesn't work either. I have mostly done the testing with php files so it might also be a problem with those. Trying to center anything in the repro.php-file just results in the line being centered.

Here's a minimal config to reproduce the problem with a php file. (inspired by stevearc repos)

-- save as repro.lua
-- run with nvim -u repro.lua
-- DO NOT change the paths
local root = vim.fn.fnamemodify('./.repro', ':p')

-- set stdpaths to use .repro
for _, name in ipairs({ 'config', 'data', 'state', 'runtime', 'cache' }) do
        vim.env[('XDG_%s_HOME'):format(name:upper())] = root .. '/' .. name

-- bootstrap lazy
local lazypath = root .. '/plugins/lazy.nvim'
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath) then

                opts = {},
                dependencies = {
                                build = ':TSUpdate',
                                opts = {
                                        ensure_installed = { 'php' },

}, {
        root = root .. '/plugins',

vim.g.mapleader = ' '
vim.g.maplocalleader = ' '

-- Line numbers so it's easier to see how center we are
vim.opt.number         = true
vim.opt.relativenumber = true

 * Save as repro.php
 * Run with nvim -u repro.lua repro.php
 * Ensure treesitter installed php parser


class Example
        private string $example;

        public function __construct(
                string $example
        ) {
                if ($example === null) {
                        throw \InvalidArgumentException(
                                '$example can\'t be null'

                $this->example = $example;

        public function Example(): void
                if (false) {
                        throw \ErrorException(
                                'Making these functions'
                } elseif (true) {
                        throw \ErrorException(
                                'longer so we can properly'
                } elseif (true) {
                        throw \ErrorException(
                                'test the TWCenter command'
                } else {
joshuadanpeterson commented 1 month ago

@Rasmus-Bertell It should be fixed. I had to update a couple of the functions and add several node definitions for the Treesitter integration. Let me know if it works for you

Rasmus-Bertell commented 1 month ago

Seems to work better now, but it's still a bit off in my opinion, at least in PHP files. It seems to favor curly braces. Same problem with TWTop and TWBottom.

// Doesn't center the method definition with the code block
// Instead centers on the curly braces
        public function Example(): void
|-->     {
|               if (false) {
|                       throw \ErrorException(
|                               'Making these functions'
|                       );
|               } elseif (true) {
|                       throw \ErrorException(
|                               'longer so we can properly'
|                       );
|               } elseif (true) {
|                       throw \ErrorException(
|                               'test the TWCenter command'
|                       );
|               } elseif (true) {
|                       throw \ErrorException(
|                               'test the TWCenter command'
|                       );
|               } else {
|                       return;
|               }
|-->    }

Calling TWTop on the above method results in the definition being off screen, e.g.

                if (false) {
                        throw \ErrorException(
                                'Making these functions'
                } elseif (true) {
                        throw \ErrorException(
                                'longer so we can properly'
                } elseif (true) {
                        throw \ErrorException(
                                'test the TWCenter command'
                } elseif (true) {
                        throw \ErrorException(
                                'test the TWCenter command'
                } else {

But this is a minor issue in my opinion, feel free to ignore this if you want.

joshuadanpeterson commented 1 month ago

Fixing it now. Give me a sec

joshuadanpeterson commented 1 month ago

@Rasmus-Bertell Try it now

Rasmus-Bertell commented 1 month ago

Seems to work now, thank you.