joshuapack / TitleCaseFirefoxAddon

Transform strings into Title Case, Proper Case, Upper Case, and Lower Case. You have 2 ways to change text. Either by right clicking on the field and changing the case or by highlighting and only changing what you highlighted. Keyboard Shortcut available in version 2.0!
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Add options to chose which text conversion to use, add a page of example etc... #4

Open decembre opened 4 years ago

decembre commented 4 years ago

Thanks for this very interesting tool: I have discovers some new subtle text conversion with it! Now i have some request: 1 Can you add away to change the order of items or move not often used items in a submenu? 2 Add a way to hide the alt mention after each item (i not use often)

3 Add an help page to explain all these possibility of conversion: lower case or UPPER CASE are easy but the others...

Here , if it can help, the result of some search. Manly in these 2 sites:

▸Proper case : Example: "This Is An Example Of Proper Case" Link:

▸Title Case: Title case capitalizes all words except for articles, prepositions and conjunctions. Commonly title case is used for headlines, but sometimes start case is used, too, as it is easier to implement. Other definition in The title case converter is perfect for those who are a bit unsure on how to title an upcoming essay. It essentially ensures the correct letters are capitalized within the context of a title. Words such as “an” will be left all in lower case and words that are important will be converted such as “Title”. Example: "This Is an Example of Title Case" link: Title Case Tool

▸Title Case (CamelCase): Change text without affecting the Camel Case. Example: "ThisIsAnExampleOfTitleCase"

▸Start Case: A simplified variant of title case is start case, where all words start with a capital letter. Commonly title case is used for headlines, but sometimes start case is used, too, as it is easier to implement. Example: "The Start Case converts each word to uppercase, regardless of function." TO "The Start Case Converts Each Word To Uppercase, Regardless Of Function." link: Start Case Tool

▸Start Case (CamelCase) :

▸CamelCase: Spaces are removed between words and the first letter of each word is capitalized Other definition: Spaces are removed between words and the first letter of each word is capitalized. Accordingly, the result is a compound word of multiple words. There are two alternatives for camel case: upper camel case and lower camel case: Upper Camel Case: "CamelCase" Lower Camel Case: "camelCase". Example: "ThisIsAnExampleOfCamelCase" link: Camel Case Tool

▸UPPER CASE (MAJUSCULES) - also known as all-caps: Convert all lower case letters into CAPITALS Convert all the letters into upper case ones. It will essentially make all lower case letters into CAPITALS (as well as keep upper case letters as upper case letters). Example: "THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF UPPER CASE." link: Uppercase Tool

▸lower case (minuscules) : Converts text completely in lower case, so that no more capital letters are left Example: "this is an example of lower case" links: Lowercase Tool

From REQUEST: ▸Snake Case : Converts a text from uppercase or lowercase into the snake case, replacing spaces are by underscores () and capitalizing all initials letters._ Example: "_This_Is_An_Example_Of_SnakeCase" link: Snake Case in Wikipedia Snake Case Too

▸AlTeRnAtInG CaSe (mOdE AlTeRnAnT) - also known as Alternating Caps and Troutspeak. Converts a text (no matter the current format) into text that alternates between lower case and upper case. It will generate a capital letter and then a lower case letter within the same word. Alternating case writing is particularly common on the Internet and is used by those who think it looks "cool". Example: "ThIs iS An eXaMpLe oF AlTeRnAtInG CaSe." Link: Alternating Case Tool

▸iNVERSE cASE (iNVERSE mODE) Lowercase letters are converted to uppercase and vice versa. If most letters of an entered text are written in lowercase, the text after using the tool will be displayed mainly in uppercase. Example: "tHIS iS aN eXAMPLE oF iNVERSE cASE." Link: Case Inverter Tool

▸Sentence case (Mode phrase) : Converts a text by automatically transform it to a fully formed structured sentence. Capitalizing the very first letter in each sentence, and will then go on to transform the rest of the text into lowercase as well as converting i’s into I’s. Every letter after a full stop will get converted into an upper case letter. Note: it won’t, however, capitalize names or places. Example: "This is an example of sentence case." Link:

▸Kebab Case (also called Hyphen Case): The kebab notation is often used as a convention for naming filenames. All letters are written in lower case and the words are separated by a hyphen or minus sign Example: "-this-is-an-example-of-kebab-case-" Link: Kebab Case Tool

▸Studly Caps (also known as Toggle Case, or Sticky Caps. ): A text case where the capitalization of letters varies randomly. Example: "thIs Is An EXaMpLe oF sTudLY caPS." Link: Studlycaps Tool

More funny (i don't think you need to add them, no?): ▸Base64 Encoder - encode data to Base64: Example: "This Is An Example Of Base64 Encoder - encode data to Base64" Became IlRoaXMgSXMgQW4gRXhhbXBsZSBPZiBCYXNlNjQgRW5jb2RlciAtIGVuY29kZSBkYXRhIHRvIEJhc2U2NCI= Link: base64 Encoder Tool

And its inverse tool: ▸Base64 Decoder: The Base64 decoder converts a Base64 encoded text in the plain text. Example: IlRoaXMgSXMgQW4gRXhhbXBsZSBPZiBCYXNlNjQgRW5jb2RlciAtIGVuY29kZSBkYXRhIHRvIEJhc2U2NCI= became: "This Is An Example Of Base64 Encoder - encode data to Base64" Link: base64 Decoder Tool

Another funny effect: ▸Morse Code Decoder: The Morse code encoder converts natural language text in Morse code Example; "This Is An Example of Morse Code Decoder" Became: .-..-. - .... .. ... / .. ... / .- -. / . -..- .- -- .--. .-.. . / --- ..-. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / -.. . -.-. --- -.. . .-. .-..-. Link: Morsecode Tool And the both Encode/ decode Morse: ▸Morse Code Translator - Morse Decoder: Easy to use Morse code translator, translate Morse code to text and text to Morse code, play the sound of the Morse code.

More cryptic: ▸Soundex Generator : Calculates the Soundex code for a given text. The tool uses the official Soundex rules and generates a code of four letters. This code is the sound value that is calculated using the Soundex algorithm according to their sound in the English language. Similar sounding words receive an identical Soundex code. Example: "This Is An Example of Soundex Generator" Result T225 link: Soundex Tool

Or this one: ▸Metaphone Generator The Metaphone generator calculates a sound value for English words by using the Metaphone algorithm. The Metaphone algorithm calculates codes of different length, which are identical for similar sounding words. This tool is more accurate than the Soundex generator as it uses basic rules of English pronunciation. Example: "This Is An Example of Metaphone Generator" became 0SSNKSMPLFMTFNJNRTR Link: Metaphone Tool

decembre commented 9 months ago

No news?

Additional suggestion: In Your Addon page you mention as support site:

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