joshuapinter / react-native-unified-contacts

Your best friend when working with the latest and greatest Contacts Framework in iOS 9+ in React Native.
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How to add Group in React Native Android ? #97

Open lynshashank opened 3 years ago

lynshashank commented 3 years ago

Hey while writing code for add group it is giving undefined error and not working . I have the group data in my code but group is not making provide and an error ? Please help !

morenoh149 commented 3 years ago

share code. But I'm not sure its possible.

lynshashank commented 3 years ago

share code. But I'm not sure its possible.

I am having the same code as author . ort default class App extends Component {

constructor( props ) { super( props );

const ds = new ListView.DataSource({rowHasChanged: (r1, r2) => r1 !== r2});

//this.state = {} //call states
this.startListenerTapped = this.startListenerTapped.bind(this);
this.state = {
  canUserAccessContact: null,
  contacts:  [],
  callStates : [], ds: ds


} startListenerTapped() { callDetector = new CallDetectorManager((event, number) => { var updatedCallStates = this.state.callStates updatedCallStates.push(event + ' - ' + number) var previousDS = this.state.ds this.setState({ callStates: updatedCallStates, ds: previousDS.cloneWithRows(updatedCallStates)}); }, false, // if you want to read the phone number of the incoming call [ANDROID], otherwise false ()=>{}, // callback if your permission got denied [ANDROID] [only if you want to read incoming number] default: console.error { title: 'Phone State Permission', message: 'This app needs access to your phone state in order to react and/or to adapt to incoming calls.' } // a custom permission request message to explain to your user, why you need the permission [recommended] - this is the default one ) }

callFriendTapped() { Linking.openURL('tel:5555555555') .catch(err => { console.log(err) }); }

stopListenerTapped() { callDetector && callDetector.dispose(); }

render() { let badgeColor; if ( this.state.canUserAccessContacts ) { badgeColor = "#44B240"; } else { badgeColor = "#FF838A"; }

let alreadyRequestedBadgeColor;
if ( this.state.alreadyRequestedAccessToContacts ) {
  alreadyRequestedBadgeColor = "#44B240";
else {
  alreadyRequestedBadgeColor = "#FF838A";

// let groupData = {
//   'name': 'Friends',
//   'name': 'Irritating',
//   'name': 'Family',
//   'name': 'Close Friends'
// }

// Contacts.addGroup(groupData, (error, success) => {
//   if (this.state.addGroup) {
//     console.log(error);
//   }
//   else {
//     console.log(success);
//   }
// });

return (
  <ScrollView style={ styles.scrollView }>
    <View style={ styles.container }>
      <Text style={ styles.welcome }>
        WORK MODE

      <View style={ [ styles.badge, { backgroundColor: badgeColor } ] }>
        <Text style={ { color: "white" } }>{ this.state.canUserAccessContacts ? "ACCESS GRANTED" : "ACCESS DENIED" }</Text>

      <View style={ [ styles.badge, { backgroundColor: alreadyRequestedBadgeColor } ] }>
        <Text style={ { color: "white" } }>{ this.state.alreadyRequestedAccessToContacts ? "ALREADY REQUESTED" : "NEVER REQUESTED" }</Text>

<View style={ [ styles.badge, { backgroundColor: groupData } ] }> <Text style={ { color: "white" } }>{ this.state.groupData ? "GROUP DATA ADDED" : "NOT ADDED" }

      <View style={ styles.button }>
        <Button title="Request Access to Contacts" onPress={ () => this._requestAccessToContacts() } />

      <View style={ styles.button }>
        <Button title="Open Privacy Settings" onPress={ () => this._openPrivacySettings() } />

      <View style={ styles.button }>
        <Button title="Get Contacts" onPress={ () => this._getContacts() } />

      <View style={ styles.button }>
        <Button title="Select Contact" onPress={ () => this._selectContact() } />

      {/* <View style={ styles.button}>
         <Button title="Add Group" onPress={ () => this._addGroup()}/>
      </View> */}

      <View style={ styles.button }>
        <TextInput value={ this.state.searchText } onChangeText={ text => this.setState( { searchText: text } ) } />
        <Button title="Search Name in Contacts" onPress={ () => this._searchContacts( this.state.searchText ) } />

      <View style={styles.container}>
      title="Start Listener"
      style = {styles.bottomMargin}

      title="Call your friend"
      style = {styles.bottomMargin}
      title="Stop Listener"
      style = {styles.bottomMargin}

    <Text style = {styles.text}>
      Call State Logs

      renderRow={(rowData) => <Text style = {styles.callLogs}>{rowData}</Text>}

        style={ styles.contacts }
        data={ this.state.contacts }
        keyExtractor={ contact => contact.identifier }
        renderItem={ ( { item } ) => (
          <View style={ }>
            <Text style={ }>
              { item.fullName }
        ) }




_checkIfUserCanAccessContacts() { Contacts.userCanAccessContacts( canUserAccessContacts => { this.setState( { canUserAccessContacts } ); } ); }

_checkIfAlreadyRequestedAccessToContacts() { Contacts.alreadyRequestedAccessToContacts( alreadyRequestedAccessToContacts => { this.setState( { alreadyRequestedAccessToContacts } ); } ); }

_requestAccessToContacts() { Contacts.requestAccessToContacts( canUserAccessContacts => { this.setState( { canUserAccessContacts, alreadyRequestedAccessToContacts: true } ); } ); }

// _addGroup() { // Contacts.addGroup( groupData , (error , success)=> { // if(error){ // console.log(error); // } // else{ // this.setState( { groupData } ); // } // }); // }

_openPrivacySettings() { Contacts.openPrivacySettings(); }

_getContacts() { if ( !this.state.canUserAccessContacts ) return;

Contacts.getContacts( ( error, contacts ) =>  {
  if ( error ) {
    console.error( error );
  else {
    this.setState( { contacts } );
} );


_selectContact() { Contacts.selectContact( ( error, contact ) => { if ( error ) { console.error( error ); } else { const contacts = [ contact ]; this.setState( { contacts } ); } } ); } // _addContact(){ // Contacts.addContact(groupData, (error, success) => { // if( error ){ // console.error( error ); // } // else{ // const contacts = [contact]; // this.setState( {contacts} ); // }

// });

// }

// _selectContact() { // if (this.state.canUserAccessContacts) { // Contacts.selectContact( (error, contact) => { // if (error) { // console.error(error); // } // else { // this.setState( { contacts: [ contact ] } ); // } // }); // } // }

// _addContact() { // if (this.state.canUserAccessContacts) { // Contacts.addContact( (error, contact) => { // if (error) { // console.error(error); // } // else { // this.setState( { contacts: [ contact ] } ); // } // }); // } // }

// _addGroup( searchText ) { // if ( this.state.canUserAccessContacts ) { // Contacts.addGroup( searchText, ( error, contacts ) => { // if ( error ) { // console.error( error ); // } // else { // this.setState( { contacts: [ contact ] } ); // } // });

// }

// }

_searchContacts( searchText ) { if ( this.state.canUserAccessContacts ) { Contacts.searchContacts( searchText, ( error, contacts ) => { if ( error ) { console.error( error ); } else { this.setState( { contacts } ); } } ); } I have commented some line which previously used .