joshuatz / linkedin-to-jsonresume

Browser extension to turn a LinkedIn profile page into a JSON Resume export.
MIT License
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Improve: Add test(s) and/or checks #28

Open joshuatz opened 4 years ago

joshuatz commented 4 years ago

With how often this is needing updates, it would be nice to establish some sort of test or simple check to verify the shape of the output.

This could be something like a real-life integration test with snapshot...

... Or, to avoid needing a real LI profile and using real LI endpoints, could mock the LI API

SKalt commented 3 years ago

I'd vote for both. The end-to-end test w/ playwright could test whether the LI APIs break with assertions like expect(resume.projects).not.toBeEmpty(). A mocked API would be appropriate for testing the resume-forming logic against a known version of the API.

I'd be happy to set up mocked APIs for unit testing, and I'd be interested to see how end-to-end tests would work.

joshuatz commented 3 years ago

Coming back to this, I'm definitely less enthusiastic about the end-to-end browser test. There are just a lot of things that would make that really hard to set up:

But, for API mocking, I think that would be great, and cover the parts of the tool most likely to break with code changes anyways. If you are going to work on them, I would suggest checking out my (WIP) notes on the unofficial API here.

SKalt commented 3 years ago

re: end-to-end browser testing: I took another look through LI's TOS. Turns out they forbid any automated access, so browser testing's out.

re: scraping: I think LI's disapproval of this software is near-inevitable. This is not legal advice, but according to [the LinkedIn User Agreement, section 8.2 b](, > you agree that you will _not_: > Develop, support or use software, devices, scripts, robots or any other means or processes (including crawlers, browser plugins and add-ons or any other technology) to scrape the Services or otherwise copy profiles and other data from the Services; Breaking the TOS might result in devs' accounts getting revoked at worst. That's within my comfort zone, but it might not be within yours. To keep things copacetic with LI, I'd suggest requesting a dev API key that has the [`r_basicprofile` permission](, then write a SPA that uses that permission to fetch and render the profile as a JSON resume. In that case, LI would be more likely to revoke the dev API token rather than anyone's account if they disapprove of the tokens' usage.

re: API mocking: I'm going with jest, mocking just the profileView endpoint. To get functions into jest without using rewire, I've had to refactor to a module-based setup.

joshuatz commented 3 years ago

Yeah, re: TOS, that is why I choose to be very specific in my wording around this project (lol). To be fair, its intended use really is just for users to export their own data (that is why I built it, for my own personal JSON powered resume). I think going down the whole developer API route is not currently worth the trouble, and I'm good with just doing API mocking. I always do a "smoke test" for every release as well, where I sideload a fresh build and test it.

I'm good with jest. And refactoring is fine (and probably appreciated; this was one of my earlier programming projects, and it kind of shows 😅).