Allow users to specify the start and end datetimes in one ISO-8601 style string. This is very helpful during interactive use. For example:
spy <- import_ohlc(sym_yahoo("SPY"), dates = "2000/2020")
# instead of
spy <- import_ohlc(sym_yahoo("SPY"), from = "2000-01-01", to = "2020-12-31")
There's also an argument for dates to be a 2-element Date or POSIXt vector. Then users won't have to do dates = paste(from, to, sep = "/") if they have start/end times in separate from and to objects.
Allow users to specify the start and end datetimes in one ISO-8601 style string. This is very helpful during interactive use. For example:
There's also an argument for
to be a 2-element Date or POSIXt vector. Then users won't have to dodates = paste(from, to, sep = "/")
if they have start/end times in separatefrom