joshzzheng / tjbot-raspberrypi-nodejs

A robot with feelings.
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have you got newer version code? #3

Open vkjuju opened 5 years ago

vkjuju commented 5 years ago

Hi, I got some deprecated error and can not see any Chinese character on my screen , have you got any updated codes ? Thanks

joshzzheng commented 5 years ago

Sorry, there's no plan to update the code for this.

What are the errors?

vkjuju commented 5 years ago

the errors are as follows: Watson is listening, you may speak now. WARNING: This method of instantiating the Watson services has been deprecated beginning with Version 3.0.0 of the Node SDK. Please refer to the Node SDK documentation for information on how to instantiate Watson services. This form of service instantiaion will be removed in a future release of the SDK. WARNING: createRecognizeStream() was renamed to recognizeUsingWebSocket(). Support for createRecognizeStream() will be removed in the next major release

joshzzheng commented 5 years ago

here's the new way to do this that the warning message was referring to:

vkjuju commented 5 years ago

Hi, Josh, thanks for your prompt update, I have researched the above link before, and have been getting stuck on how to get them worked on mic and websockets instead of converting to .wav first, could you take a look at my code when you get a chance ?