josiahseaman / FluentDNA

FluentDNA allows you to browse sequence data of any size using a zooming visualization similar to Google Maps. You can use FluentDNA as a standalone program or as a python module for your own bioinformatics projects.
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PDF #95

Open GuyBenzvi opened 11 months ago

GuyBenzvi commented 11 months ago

Hey, is there a wat to get a single fasta as pdf instad of html format? many thanks

josiahseaman commented 11 months ago

Hi Guy, I agree that the HTML format would certainly be inconvenient if you're using large amounts of sequence. The intended use case is that you're highlighting sequences to search in your own FASTA files or BLAST online. Can you tell me more about the use case for a PDF export? How big of a sequence window would you want exported? FluentDNA chunks up the (sometimes very large) FASTA files to be usable by the browser. All the best, Josiah Seaman, PhD

GuyBenzvi commented 11 months ago

Hey Josiah, my use case is a bit different, we want to print one chromosome or just a fragment of it for science day, we want to create a maze of dna with annotation to explain the DNA role, size, and the repetitions. hope it is possible, Guy Ben Zvi

josiahseaman commented 11 months ago

Hi Guy, That sounds like a really great use case. Your question make more sense now. If you want a high quality large scale print, then you probably actually want a TIFF. I myself made a giant interactive touch poster of the full Arabidopsis thaliana genome for a museum display as part of my PhD thesis using FluentDNA. It's a great application for that. For those sorts of uses, I'd recommend minor modifications to the code, rather than using the site directly. Do you know programming or know someone who does?

By increasing the margin variable in the renderer from 0 to 1 you can get a visible space filling curve like the ones you can see in Figure 2 and Figure 8. That will help people understand how DNA continually snakes back on itself in repetitions. Yan Wong and I discussed ways to show annotations in the expanded space filling curve, but ultimately I decided to go with the light shading that you see in the final paper. It's a bit more clear and closely mirrors real world regional maps people are familiar with.

The whole FluentDNA project is open source so people can hack on it to make educational figures, productions and posters. If you don't have access to any programmers, I might be able to do it eventually, but my October is looking pretty busy. What's your timeline?


josiahseaman commented 11 months ago

Here's some guidance for Maxim to get started on this issue.


How to Annotate with Ideogram Margins

If you want the snaking maze look of DNA and also the ability to show an annotated gene region, you've got to find the outline of this complex area with margins around it. This is never a feature that I tackled, but looking at the code it's definitely possible.

Image Export Format: PDF

Good luck with your project. Let me know if you have any other questions.