josiasmontag / laravel-recaptchav3

Laravel package for Google's Recaptcha V3
MIT License
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verify method returns false #32

Open bnp-aswin opened 1 year ago

bnp-aswin commented 1 year ago

use Lunaweb\RecaptchaV3\Facades\RecaptchaV3; // RecaptchaV3::verify($token, $action) $score = RecaptchaV3::verify($request->get('g-recaptcha-response'), 'register') if($score > 0.7) { // go } elseif($score > 0.3) { // require additional email verification } else { return abort(400, 'You are most likely a bot'); }

above code always returns false

NeftaliAcosta commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem:


patkelly174 commented 1 year ago

Any update on this. I am getting the same problem

rahmap commented 8 months ago


akulmehta commented 2 months ago

I had the same issue and it was resolved for me by publishing the config using the command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Lunaweb\RecaptchaV3\Providers\RecaptchaV3ServiceProvider"

In the documentation it says the above command is optional, but in my view it is required, as without it we do get this error.