josmo / drone-ecs

Drone plugin for triggering Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) deployments
Apache License 2.0
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deploy fail, claiming missing region, it's clearly specified. #40

Closed willvincent closed 4 years ago

willvincent commented 4 years ago

While attempting to deploy to ECS, I am unable to get beyond a "MissingRegion" error, yet the region clearly is defined. Have also tried defining it as an environment variable PLUGIN_REGION, as I see that's the other thing it looks for, neither work.. this is a major show stopper.

Have tried latest and 1.0.6 releases of the plugin, both fail the same way.


  - name: Deploy to ECS
    image: peloton/drone-ecs:1.0.6
    region: us-east-1
    family: ui-backend-dev
    service: ui-backend-dev
    tag: latest
    task_role_arn: arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxx:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole
    log_driver: awslogs
      - awslogs-group=/ecs/ui-backend-dev
      - awslogs-region=us-east-1
      - awslogs-stream-prefix=ecs
      - 3333 3333
      - EC2
      - FARGATE
    memory: 2048
    cpu: 1024
    desired_count: 2
    deployment_configuration: 100 200
willvincent commented 4 years ago

Looking closer, I think maybe the docs provided are in the older 0.8 format...

Those probably ought to be updated for 1.x

josmo commented 4 years ago

Sorry about that @willvincent unfortunately this hasn't been receiving tons of love since I moved from ECS to K8s. I'm definitely down to take any contributions and merge them in. Is it working with the updates values? I merged your docs PR so if that was the issue I'll close this out with being related to that PR

willvincent commented 4 years ago

Yes, moving all everythign after the 'image' one level deeper under settings fixed that issue.. new issue though, will open a new issue for it.