josprimen / Soft-Computing-Aplications

Soft Computing Competition
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Principal V.2 #4

Closed josprimen closed 5 years ago

josprimen commented 5 years ago

Implementation of auxiliar methods and filling init following the given documentation of our solution.

josprimen commented 5 years ago


josprimen commented 5 years ago

En la primera implementación se encontró un error "math domain error" al calcular la 'h' en zdt3. El problema era que faltaban unos paréntesis en la parte de la 'g' y esta salía negativa. Al intentar en la 'h' hacer una raíz cuadrada de algo negativo, saltaba este error.

josprimen commented 5 years ago

CF6 `import math import numpy as np

nreal = 4 nbin = 0 ncon = 2 number_obj = 2

min_realvar = [0.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0] max_realvar = [1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0]

mysign = lambda x: 1.0 if x > 0 else -1.0

def solution(xreal):

obj = [np.infty, np.infty]
constr = [np.infty, np.infty]
sum1 = 0.0
sum2 = 0.0

for j in range(2, nreal+1):
    if j%2 == 1:
        yj = xreal[j-1] - 0.8*xreal[0]*math.cos(6.0*math.pi*xreal[0] + j*math.pi/nreal)
        sum1 = sum1 + (yj*yj)
        yj = xreal[j-1] - 0.8*xreal[0]*math.sin(6.0*math.pi*xreal[0] + j*math.pi/nreal)
        sum2 = sum2 + (yj*yj)

obj[0] = xreal[0] + sum1
obj[1] = (1.0 - xreal[0]) * (1.0 - xreal[0]) + sum2

constr[0] = xreal[1] - 0.8 * xreal[0] * math.sin(6.0 * xreal[0] * math.pi + 2.0 * math.pi / nreal) - mysign(
    (xreal[0] - 0.5) * (1.0 - xreal[0])) * math.sqrt(math.fabs((xreal[0] - 0.5) * (1.0 - xreal[0])))

constr[1] = xreal[3] - 0.8 * xreal[0] * math.sin(6.0 * xreal[0] * math.pi + 4.0 * math.pi / nreal) - mysign(
    0.25 * math.sqrt(1 - xreal[0]) - 0.5 * (1.0 - xreal[0])) * math.sqrt(
    math.fabs(0.25 * math.sqrt(1 - xreal[0]) - 0.5 * (1.0 - xreal[0])))

return obj, constr


PRINCIPAL CF6 `import numpy as np import itertools import zdt3 import copy import cf6

class Principal:

def __init__(self, populat=100, generat=100, constr= False, bol_gen=False):
    self.constr = constr
    if self.constr:
        self.problem = cf6
        self.problem = zdt3
    self.population_size = populat
    self.generations = generat
    self.neighborhood_size = 0.3 #Probar con 0.3
    self.sig = 20 #SIG para desviación estandar
    self.p = len(self.problem.min_realvar) = (1/self.p) #Operador de mutación gaussiana
    self.f = 0.5 #mutación = 0.5 #cruce
    self.born = False #Para saber si es la primera
    self.population = []
    self.weights = []
    self.distances = dict()
    self.neighbors = [list() for _ in range(self.population_size)]
    #self.obj = zdt3.zdt3() = [np.infty for _ in range(self.problem.number_obj)]
    self.end_gen = bol_gen #Se ha acabado con todas las gen?
    self.bol_gen = [] #Lista con todas las gen

def first(self): #Initialization
    #self.population = [np.random.uniform(0, 1)] generalicemos
    self.population = [[np.random.uniform(self.problem.min_realvar[i], self.problem.max_realvar[i])
        for i in range(self.p)]
        for _ in range(self.population_size)]  #Generalizar el 30?

    #self.weights = np.random.dirichlet(
     #   np.ones(self.obj.number_obj), self.population_size)
    #La suma de los componentes de cada vector es 1 y vectores distribuidos uniformemente
    self.weights = np.asarray(
        for i in range(self.population_size)])

    self.distances = {(x, y): np.linalg.norm(self.weights[x]-self.weights[y])
                      for x, y in itertools.product(
                        list(range(len(self.weights))), repeat=2)} = [np.min([self.evaluate(individual)[i] for individual in self.population])
                 for i in range(self.problem.number_obj)]

    self.born = True


def process(self):
    self.first() #We have to initialize with a first population
    for generation in range(self.generations):
        for i in range(self.population_size):
            if self.reproduce(i) != -1: #Reproduccion
                obj = self.evaluate(self.population[i]) #Evaluacion
                for j in range(self.problem.number_obj): #Actualizar z
                    if[j] > obj[j]:
              [j] = obj[j]
                #tchebycheff_son = max([self.weights[i][j] * np.abs(
                 #   obj[j] -[j])
                  #  for j in range(self.obj.number_obj)])
                for j in self.neighbors[i]: #Actualiza vecinos
                    obj_neighbor = self.evaluate(self.population[j])
                    tchebycheff_son = max([self.weights[j][k] * np.abs(
                      obj[k] -[k])
                      for k in range(self.problem.number_obj)])
                    tchebycheff_neighbor = max([self.weights[j][k] * np.abs(
                        obj_neighbor[k] -[k])
                        for k in range(self.problem.number_obj)])
                    if tchebycheff_son <= tchebycheff_neighbor:
                        self.population[j] = copy.copy(self.population[i])
        if self.end_gen:
            for i in range(self.population_size):

def compute_neighbors(self):
    for i in range(self.population_size):
        candidates = {y: self.distances[(x, y)]
                      for (x, y) in self.distances.keys() if x == i}
        candidates = sorted(candidates.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
        c = [candidates[x][0] for x in range(len(candidates))]
        neighbors = c[:int(np.floor(
            self.population_size * self.neighborhood_size))]
        self.neighbors[i] = neighbors

#Darle un repaso y comparar operadores geneticos
def reproduce(self, individual):
    '''print('El individuo')
    print('Pesos individuo')
    #if np.random.random() >
    a = self.neighbors[individual]
    parents = np.random.choice(a, 3, replace=False)
    '''print('Padres: ')
        #self.weights[individual] = self.weights[parents[0]] + self.f * (
                #self.weights[parents[1]] - self.weights[parents[2]])
    son = np.add(self.population[parents[0]],
                 self.f * (np.subtract(self.population[parents[1]],
    '''print('Hijo: ')
    print('Tamaño hijo: ')
    for i in range(len(son)):
        if np.random.random() <
            son[i] = self.population[individual][i]
    ## Gaussian Mutation##
    for i in range(len(son)):
        if np.random.random() <
            sigma = (self.problem.max_realvar[i] - self.problem.min_realvar[i])/self.sig
            son[i] = son[i] + np.random.normal(0, sigma)
    #Dentro del dominio?
    for i in range(len(son)):
        if son[i] < self.problem.min_realvar[i]:
            son[i] = self.problem.min_realvar[i]
        elif son[i] > self.problem.max_realvar[i]:
            son[i] = self.problem.max_realvar[i]

    self.population[individual] = copy.copy(np.ndarray.tolist(son))
    return individual

def evaluate(self, individual):
    if self.constr:
        (v, c) = cf6.solution(individual)
        return [v[j]+0.1*c[j] for j in range(cf6.number_obj)]
    return zdt3.solution(individual)


TEST CF6 `import Principal import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import zdt3 import cf6

class testeo():

def test(self, problem_type):
    if problem_type == 'cf6':
        program = Principal.Principal(constr=True)
        values = np.array([cf6.solution(program.population[j])
                        for j in range(program.population_size)])
        x, y = values.T
        plt.scatter(x, y)
        return program
        program = Principal.Principal()
        values = np.array([zdt3.solution(program.population[j])
                           for j in range(program.population_size)])
        x, y = values.T
        plt.scatter(x, y)
        return program

#grafica.test_moec(100, 100, False)
def test_moec(self, p_size, n_gen, constr, all_gen):
    m = Principal.Principal(p_size, n_gen, constr, all_gen)
    if constr:
    return m

def last_gen_obj(self, moec):
    with open('test/last_gen_obj_moec_' + str(moec.population_size) + '_'
              + str(moec.generations) + '.out', 'w') as f:
        for i in range(moec.population_size):
            obj = zdt3.solution(moec.population[i])
            f.write('{:.6e}'.format(obj[0]) + '\t'
                    + '{:.6e}'.format(obj[1]) + '\n')

def all_gen_obj(self, moec):
    with open('test/all_gen_obj_moec_' + str(moec.population_size) + '_'
              + str(moec.generations) + '.out', 'w') as f:
        for i in range(len(moec.bol_gen)):
            obj = zdt3.solution(moec.bol_gen[i])
            f.write('{:.6e}'.format(obj[0]) + '\t'
                    + '{:.6e}'.format(obj[1]) + '\n')

def first_gen_obj(self, moec):
    with open('test/first_gen_obj_moec_' + str(moec.population_size) + '_'
              + str(moec.generations) + '.out', 'w') as f:
        for i in range(moec.population_size):
            obj = zdt3.solution(moec.bol_gen[i])
            f.write('{:.6e}'.format(obj[0]) + '\t'
                    + '{:.6e}'.format(obj[1]) + '\n')

def last_gen_obj_c(self, moec):
    with open('tests/last_gen_obj_cmoec_' + str(moec.population_size) + '_'
              + str(moec.generations) + '.out', 'w') as f:
        for i in range(moec.population_size):
            (v, c) = cf6.solution(moec.population[i])
            obj = [v[j] + c[j] for j in range(cf6.number_obj)]
            f.write('{:.6e}'.format(obj[0]) + '\t'
                    + '{:.6e}'.format(obj[1]) + '\n')

def all_gen_obj_c(self, moec):
    with open('tests/all_gen_obj_cmoec_' + str(moec.population_size) + '_'
              + str(moec.generations) + '.out', 'w') as f:
        for i in range(len(moec.bol_gen)):
            (v, c) = cf6.solution(moec.bol_gen[i])
            obj = [v[j] + c[j] for j in range(cf6.number_obj)]
            f.write('{:.6e}'.format(obj[0]) + '\t'
                    + '{:.6e}'.format(obj[1]) + '\n')
