josueal1 / v4

Redesigned by Josue Lopez; Built by Brittany Chiang
MIT License
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Hobbies #18

Open josueal1 opened 1 year ago

josueal1 commented 1 year ago

Fix styling in hobbies.js

// TODO: Add "Other noteworthy hobbies" // TODO: Add "See More" & "See Less" buttons to the page to load more pictures // TODO: Integrate "Portfolio in the navbar and Index.js page" // TODO: Add some cool hover action to show details of picture

josueal1 commented 1 month ago

architecture, maps, linguistics, art of films/storytelling,

josueal1 commented 1 month ago

communication styles:

josueal1 commented 1 month ago

May 2020:

Adventurous bc when I'm exploring film genres, falling down the YouTube rabbit-hole of history and science, and discovering new music on Spotify.

Most recently, my journey has bumped into a SWE Career Prep Fellowship (Feb'19), Intrapreneurial Self-Discovery (Jun'19), and an AR-startup API Internship (Sep'19). On a personal note, I am a native to sunny Los Angeles, CA, a soccer enthusiast, and an iPhoneography aficionado.

josueal1 commented 1 month ago

June 2020:

This summer, Ill be joinning the Target Tech team as a Software Engineer Intern

In the upcoming weeks, I look forward to grow with my team, explore different virtual avenues, and create digital solutions!