josuemtzmo / trackeddy

Tracking eddy algorithm:
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Question in eddy dicts #13

Open qjuanr opened 2 years ago

qjuanr commented 2 years ago

Hello, Prof ! I am new in eddy detection and I have some questions about eddy dicts.

1.The key of '2dgaussianfit' & ’area‘ both have three rows. What does each column mean? 2.The key of 'majoraxis' has two rows. What does each column mean?

If possible ,could you please release a variable user manual? Thanks for your reply!

positive_eddies=analyseddyzt(ssha[:,:,:],lon,lat,0,31,1,levels,preferences=preferences ,areamap=areamap,areaparms=checkarea,filters=filters ,maskopt='contour',diagnostics=False,pprint=True)

josuemtzmo commented 2 years ago

Hello @qjuanr,

Thanks for using the trackeddy. I will need to check the code to come up with a variable user manual (It may take me a couple of days to put it together).

At line 342 the area first index is the area of the contour, the second index is by default the area of a circle with the Rossby radius of deformation, and the third index is the area of the fitted gaussian.

I hope this is clearer.

Something important to mention, which has led to confusion before with this algorithm is that it do not track eddies in time, i.e. there is no tracking over time of the identified eddies.

qjuanr commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the response!

I am a little confused about the note you mentioned at the end of your reply. Does you mean that Trackeddy algorithm only recognize eddies and reconstruct KE field , but do not track eddies in time? It's true that I didn't see obvious mention of eddy tracking in your paper, but after executing the code, the data items in the eddy dictionaries have a time dimension. What am I to make of that?

josuemtzmo commented 2 years ago

Hello @qjuanr, your interpretation is correct, although the dictionaries have a time dimension, meaning that technically a tracking algorithm could be implemented as a post-processing step. Trackeddy does not have a method implemented yet. In fact, the TrackEddy algorithm was used to recognise eddies and reconstruct their kinetic energy imprint.

qjuanr commented 2 years ago

Hello! I found it possible to track eddies by calling 'analyseddyzt' function with multiple days of SLA data, which is probably the post-processing step you mentioned. Can you describe the criteria used for eddy tracking in this function? Thanks a lot!

positive_eddies=analyseddyzt(sla[:,:,:],lon,lat,0,31,1,levels,preferences=preferences ,areamap=areamap,areaparms=checkarea,filters=filters ,maskopt='contour',diagnostics=False,pprint=True)

josuemtzmo commented 2 years ago

Hello, please note that that function does not track on time, it does not create a path or trajectory for the identified eddies. This function only allows to identify eddies at different snapshots in time. The output will contain the time of detection, which could be used to construct a track as a post-processing step, but this functionality is not implemented in TrackEddy.