jotaijs / jotai-apollo

Apollo graphql client integration for jotai :rocket: :ghost:
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Using async atoms within an atomsWithQuery call #12

Open wcardosodev opened 11 months ago

wcardosodev commented 11 months ago

I have a use case where I need to call a query, but one of the variables to the query relies on an async atom. I can't seem to find a good way to achieve this at the moment. Is this currently possible? I.e

export const [playerAtom] = atomsWithQuery(async get => {
  const playerId = get(playerIdAtom);
  const playerTeams = get(playerTeamsAtom);
  const selectedPlayerMatches = await get(selectedPlayerMatchAtom);

  return {
    query: playerQuery,
    variables: {
      playerId: +playerId!,

Which gives me an error, I think due to the potential of the playerAtom returning a promise:"version"%3A"3.8.5"%2C"message"%3A71%2C"args"%3A%5B%5D%7D

Aslemammad commented 11 months ago

Hey William, How are you doing? Do you have a reproduction?