jotaijs / jotai-trpc

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Mutation #15

Closed drMonro closed 1 year ago

drMonro commented 1 year ago

How to make custom mutation? I just want to call mutation with signing only 'offerId' and setting 'cartId' in Atoms layer? Now i got TS error

How to fix? Or i missing something? Thx

dai-shi commented 1 year ago

Can you reproduce it in ? You can import libraries there.

drMonro commented 1 year ago

Line 134

dai-shi commented 1 year ago

I think you misunderstand the usage. The first argument is optional getClient. So, you don't need to specify anything.



and setting 'cartId' in Atoms layer?

Does that mean you want to set the atom value based on the mutation output?? You would be able to create a new atom then.

drMonro commented 1 year ago

I just tried to make construction like in 'atomWithQuery', where I set parameters which is required for GET response right in Atom layer (not inside component)

How can I do the same but with 'atomWithMutation'?

Now i had to set 'cartId' when i call mutation in component, though i got 'cartAtom' data in Jotaii layer

dai-shi commented 1 year ago

Ah, I see. It wasn't a TS issue, but it's more like Jotai usage question.

I think you can create another action atom.

export const cartAtom = atom({ id: '', items: [] })

const deleteFromCartAtom = api.cart.del.atomWithMutation()

export const deleteCurrentFromCurtAtom = atom(null, async (get, set) => {
  const cart = get(cartAtom)
  const output = await set(deleteFromCartAtom, {
drMonro commented 1 year ago

Oh! Ok! Thank you I'll try this approach

drMonro commented 1 year ago

So, with that approach i can't set part of arguments on Component layer and another part on Jotai layer - and i need to create 'offerIdAtom', right?

dai-shi commented 1 year ago

I'm not 100% following, but if it's about how to use jotai apart from jotai-trpc, it sounds about right.