From what it looks like to me, on the CPS2 Super Turbo 940223 core, there appears to be a z-index bug on the spritesheet overlays resulting in a spritesheet flickering over a portion of the player 1 side of the screen. I've attached a video of it happening, it's a slow motion video so it's about 90s long as you can see a few different instances of this issue.
Some interesting timestamps:
0:26-0: 27
On a side note, great job on the ST core, this plays smooth as butter! Much appreciated!
Haven’t seen this issue reproduce since I first saw it and it’s looked fine since then. Not sure what happened, closing this out. Thanks again for the CPS2 core!
From what it looks like to me, on the CPS2 Super Turbo 940223 core, there appears to be a z-index bug on the spritesheet overlays resulting in a spritesheet flickering over a portion of the player 1 side of the screen. I've attached a video of it happening, it's a slow motion video so it's about 90s long as you can see a few different instances of this issue.
Some interesting timestamps:
0:03-0:07 0:26-0: 27 0:30-035 0:49-0:55
On a side note, great job on the ST core, this plays smooth as butter! Much appreciated!