jothepro / doxygen-awesome-css

Custom CSS theme for doxygen html-documentation with lots of customization parameters.
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My page framework overflow after upgrade to 2.1.0 #92

Closed Nambers closed 1 year ago

Nambers commented 1 year ago

The search box and darkmode toggle buttom: image image the footer(can be fix by disable position: fixed): image image BUT, it work well in mobile view: image And it was look like this: image Do I miss some configuration? :/

Nambers commented 1 year ago


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Nambers commented 1 year ago

@jothepro Need some help. ToT I will try to download some old version files and replaces those to try to fix this.

jothepro commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry for not responding about your problem yet. I will investigate this asap!

Nambers commented 1 year ago

update: v2.0.3 work for me

jothepro commented 1 year ago

I was able to reproduce a similar artifact like yours when changing the order of the CSS-files given to HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET in the Doxyfile. Make sure that doxygen-awesome.css is the first file referenced!

HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET  = doxygen-awesome.css \
                         doxygen-awesome-sidebar-only.css # <--- make sure this comes second!

Pls let me know if this fixes your problem.

Another thing that I noticed: Make sure to remove the old toggle initialization logic in your footer.html. Rn it looks like you initialize the dark mode toggle twice.

Nambers commented 1 year ago

I was able to reproduce a similar artifact like yours when changing the order of the CSS-files given to HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET in the Doxyfile. Make sure that doxygen-awesome.css is the first file referenced!

HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET  = doxygen-awesome.css \
                         doxygen-awesome-sidebar-only.css # <--- make sure this comes second!

Pls let me know if this fixes your problem.

Another thing that I noticed: Make sure to remove the old toggle initialization logic in your footer.html. Rn it looks like you initialize the dark mode toggle twice.

thx, I believe all things work properly now. except this button. image

Feel free to check in here btw, this proj is awesome for me, although I don't know how to expand a macro in cpp file normally by Doxygen.

jothepro commented 1 year ago

Thx for providing the link! It's always nice to see the theme in action! 😊 What's the problem with the button? It's actually supposed to be there, lgtm.

Nambers commented 1 year ago

Thx for providing the link! It's always nice to see the theme in action! 😊 What's the problem with the button? It's actually supposed to be there, lgtm.

After I clicked that button, nothing change in the page. Do it suppose to do something? XD

Nambers commented 1 year ago

Oh nvm, I see what that button suppose to do. And it work properly.