Just set up a new browser profile and installed Kondor fresh to set up a new wallet for testnet. Some UX feedback on the new seed phrase experience:
The text box that shows the seed phrase can sometimes wrap words across lines. The phrase it generated for me had "vintage" wrapped across a line, so I thought it was a 13 word phrase with "vint" and "age" -- words shouldn't wrap
The confirm seed screen should disable word buttons after you pick them the first time. I can click one multiple times and mess up the input (bad for accidental double clicks)
The confirm seed screen should have a reset/undo/backspace feature in case you misclick
After finishing the confirm seed, when you're on the main screen of the wallet, you can click back to see the seed phrase again. Probably shouldn't be able to do that, but it's a fairly minor issue given as soon as you click away you get locked out. Could probably just remove the back button from the main page.
While logged in, I can create accounts, but the "import account" button doesn't seem to do anything. I'm assuming this will allow you to import other seed phrases in future?
When creating accounts, you can name them, but you can't rename "Account 0"
Just set up a new browser profile and installed Kondor fresh to set up a new wallet for testnet. Some UX feedback on the new seed phrase experience: