jotta / jotta-cli-issues

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CPU Usage jottad #167

Closed frithrah closed 2 years ago

frithrah commented 2 years ago

jotta-cli release (jotta-cli version): jottad version : 0.12.51202 jotta-cli version : 0.12.51202

Description of problem: jottad is always at the top of my CPU usage chart. It's not using much CPU but I'm surprised it's using any when files aren't changing. Are you using inotify?

Expected: No CPU usage when idle.

jotta-cli status (jotta-cli status):

   Status    : Up to date

Relevant logs for the issue (~/.jottad/jottabackup.log or /var/lib/jotta/jottabackup.log )


Additional info: Thank you for all your good work!

roflmao commented 2 years ago

Sharing some more details regarding cpu usage would be helpful. Also logs for showing what the client is doing.

We use inotify if scaninterval is set to 0.

frithrah commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the scaninterval info. I set it to zero but I still have a constant 1.1% CPU on jottad. I wonder what it's doing all the time?

Here's my config:

> jotta-cli config get
maxuploads               : 2
logscanignores           : false
webhookstatusinterval    : 6h0m0s
slowmomode               : 0
logtransfers             : false
photosmonthastext        : true
downloadrate             : unlimited
uploadrate               : unlimited
maxdownloads             : 2
scaninterval             : 0
checksumreadrate         : 52.43MB/s

The jottabackup.log doesn't show any activity unless a file is changed in a watched directory.

Is there anything else I can share that will help?

roflmao commented 2 years ago

We always strive to improve idle resource usage, but also there is some housekeeping that jottad needs to perform.

frithrah commented 2 years ago

Could it perhaps save housekeeping for when it has to sync. I'm sure you can do without your busy loop - the laptop batteries of the world will thank you.

ihatetoregister commented 1 month ago

Experience the same on 0.15.110283 still