jotta / jotta-cli-issues

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Telia Sky and jotta-cli token generation #173

Closed BjornRuud closed 2 years ago

BjornRuud commented 2 years ago

I can't log in anymore to Telia Sky using jotta-cli since token generation is gone. The page does not have token generation, and the other settings pages do not either. According to issue #89 this has happened before and is a regression.

Kimbsen commented 2 years ago

Hi. We and Telia are transitioning to a new authentication system, which can't support sessions for the Jotta linux cli. The token generation was hence removed for Telia Sky, but will remain available for Jottacloud users. Unfortunately, this also affect current cli users using Telia Sky. I've escalated the issues and waiting to hear back on whether (and/or when it will be added back.

BjornRuud commented 2 years ago

When you say "we and Telia" are you referring to only your Telia branded version or will CLI support disappear from Jottacloud also in the future? The CLI version is the reason I want to use Jottacloud.

Kimbsen commented 2 years ago

I was referring to the Telia branded version. CLI for jottacloud will not dissappear.

Kimbsen commented 2 years ago

I've heard back now and we will be adding token generation back for Telia Sky. Possibly limited to users who already have a CLI registered ( until we can get proper support through Telias auth system ). I can't say exactly when it will be back, but it is happening.

BjornRuud commented 2 years ago

That's great news. The various whitelabel solutions should have feature parity. For my part I ended up subscribing to Jottacloud since I decided that I didn't want access to my data be dependent on my ISP.

Kimbsen commented 2 years ago

CLI Token generation is back for Telia Sky!