jotta / jotta-cli-issues

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jotta ignores rem --pattern '**/nobak/**' does nothing #177

Open simonmikkelsen opened 2 years ago

simonmikkelsen commented 2 years ago

Make sure you are running the latest version of jotta-cli before reporting an issue.

jotta-cli release (jotta-cli version): jottad version : 0.14.58899 jotta-cli version : 0.14.58899

Description of problem: I have added an ignores pattern containing a * and want to remove it but nothing happens:

jotta-cli ignores list [cut other stuff] Listing patterns for backup: /my/backup/set

/nobak/ /nobak/ OK

jotta ignores rem --pattern '/nobak/' does nothing Listing patterns for backup: /my/backup/set

/nobak/ /nobak/ OK

Expected: jotta ignores rem --pattern '/nobak/' does nothing Listing patterns for backup: /my/backup/set

/nobak/ OK

It doesn't matter if I specify a --backup with ignores rem. The same happens for the other /nobak/ pattern. I use the Bash shell on Ubuntu.

jotta-cli status (jotta-cli status):

 Account   : [cut] on Jottacloud
 Usage     : [cut]TiB / ( Unlimited )
 Device    : [cut]-backup
 Sync is not enabled 
 Backups   :
   Path      : /home/[cut]/folder
   Files     : 3 (386bytes)
   Status    : Up to date - Fri Apr 29 15:27:44

Relevant logs for the issue (~/.jottad/jottabackup.log or /var/lib/jotta/jottabackup.log )

The commands produces nothing.



Additional info: Some times the ignores rem command fails like this:

jotta-cli ignores rem --pattern '/nobak/' ERROR context deadline exceeded

it seems to do this for periods. The message looks like some Kubernetes (when I ask the Internet).

coopersimon commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for the report. We'll look into it :)

Mitchou commented 2 years ago

Did you try with doube quote ?? Got similar problem (Cant remove **./folder/) and success with " "