jotta / jotta-cli-issues

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Archiving file to custom path #67

Closed albertony closed 5 years ago

albertony commented 5 years ago

Is archive option --remote still supported?

When testing issue #45, it seems the archive option --remote is no longer supported in version 0.5.13131. Trying something like this:

jotta-cli.exe archive D:\Backup\subfolder\filename.7z --remote Backup

Results in error:

Error: unknown flag: --remote

Help text jotta-cli.exe archive --help does not mention it either:

Upload a single file to the jottacloud archive

  jotta-cli archive [flags]


 jotta-cli archive /path/to/file --share
 will upload that file and print a http link to stdout

      --clipboard   only usable with --share. copies the shared url to your clipboard
  -h, --help        help for archive
      --nogui       don't animate the upload progress
      --share       generate a public http url for the file after upload

Global Flags:
      --host string   the ip address of the host jottad is running on (default "")
      --port string   the port jottad is listening on (default "14443")

But official documentation still describes it:

You can also specify a path under Archive to save the file to.

jotta-cli archive 'path/to/file' --remote folder/subfolder

This will save the file to Archive/folder/subfolder/file
Kimbsen commented 5 years ago

Just tested this and you are correct. We accidentally removed that flag.

It will be back in the next version.

Kimbsen commented 5 years ago

We just released version 0.5.13645 in which jotta-cli archive --remote is back :)