jotta / jotta-cli-issues

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Ubuntu 14.04.6 LTS with plesk: jottad does not start #88

Open mcguffin opened 5 years ago

mcguffin commented 5 years ago

jotta-cli release (jotta-cli version):

Error: Could not connect to jottad. Is it running on ?

Description of problem: The jotta daemon is not running.

root@www:~# service jottad start
jottad start/running, process 20243
root@www:~# service jottad status
jottad stop/waiting
root@www:~# service jottad stop
stop: Unknown instance: 

jotta-cli status (jotta-cli status):

Error: Could not connect to jottad. Is it running on ?

Relevant logs for the issue (cat ~/.jottad/jottabackup.log) From /var/lib/jottad/jottabackup.log

pid:20243 2019/08/03 11:53:24 Starting /usr/bin/jottad version 0.5.15025
pid:20243 2019/08/03 11:53:24 Started listener on :14443
pid:20243 2019/08/03 11:53:24 Starting with datadir /var/lib/jottad
pid:20243 2019/08/03 11:53:24 Rates set @ download:0B upload:0B
pid:20243 2019/08/03 11:53:24 Scan interval set to: 1h0m0s
pid:20243 2019/08/03 11:53:24 Unable to get device id : No mac addr detected
pid:20243 2019/08/03 11:53:24 Error getting device id No mac addr detected
pid:20243 2019/08/03 11:53:24 No mac addr detected
mcguffin commented 5 years ago

As a supplement if somebody runs into a similar issue: I was eventuallay able to set up a connection jottacloud using

Kimbsen commented 5 years ago

Do you have the dbus package installed? If you do not, could you install it

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dbus

and then run

dbus-uuidgen --ensure

and then retry running jottacli?