jotyGill / ezsh

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Unable to add personal config #34

Open ak4zh opened 3 weeks ago

ak4zh commented 3 weeks ago

After I add any personal config I get this error when restarting terminal and the om-my-zsh does not work anymore until I delete the personal config file and restart the terminal.

I just added the example config personal_rc.zsh in ~/.config/ezsh/zshrc/

~/.zshrc:18: no matches found: ~/.config/ezsh/zshrc/.*
HoBeom commented 2 weeks ago

I think we should modify ~/.zshrc as below

if [ "$(ls -A $ZSH_CONFIGS_DIR)" ]; then
    for file in "$ZSH_CONFIGS_DIR"/*.zsh; do # only include .zsh files
        # Exclude '.' and '..' from being sourced
        if [ -f "$file" ]; then
            source "$file"