joukos / PaperTTY

PaperTTY - Python module to render a TTY or VNC on e-ink
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Partial Refresh for waveshare v2? #33

Open neutralinsomniac opened 4 years ago

neutralinsomniac commented 4 years ago

I have very limited experience with all of this, but the pwnagotchi project has partial refresh working great on the waveshare v2 and I was thinking maybe the code could be adapted here?

The relevant code:

joukos commented 4 years ago

Yeah, it ought to be possible and I think the current code just lacks a few details for it to work like the demo code. Unfortunately I don't personally have this V2 variant (nor much time to spend on this) so I can't really test it. Contributions are welcome as always, I think it should be a fairly simple fix.

(Apparently I had taken a quick look when the basic support was merged

plan5 commented 3 years ago

I've closed my initial pull request after noticing some unexpected behavior (almost working, though).

Currently, partial refresh creates a distorted image on the first run. Running again after a clean exit, terminal produces clear text.

I've re-forked and commited my complete changes here:

I don't know how to go on from here. Should I create a pull request anyway as this is a partial progress?

joukos commented 3 years ago

@plan5 if it's still very experimental, maybe making a PR can wait until any showstoppers are fixed so that it wouldn't stay too long in a pending state (such as the other simple PR I simply haven't had time to finish...). Your description of the problem sounds like in a lucky case it might be a fairly simple fix, though, like adjusting how the display is initialized, but unfortunately it's something I can't help much with right now.