joulupunikki / Phoenix

Java clone/remake/patch of the game Emperor of the Fading Suns
37 stars 14 forks source link

Planet map terrain #88

Closed charleskeil closed 8 years ago

charleskeil commented 8 years ago

I've tried to submit this before, but I made a few beginner errors while getting github to cooperate. Please let me know if anything is not up to standards.

joulupunikki commented 8 years ago

@charleskeil Well, you seem to have fixed the planet map static tile graphics. :+1:

In terms of readability the code seems to be much more up to standards than the previous version. And I don't have much GitHub experience either ...

There appears to be a little bug feature remaining, a forest/megacity hex with a forest/megacity neighbour south and north east only will show as light blue.


if I'm reading the code correctly then the forestNeighbourFlags case case 024: /* 010100 */ might be missing after line number 1538. It should be a wrap after this is fixed.

To be properly pedantic, you should add your copyright statement after line number 2. Something like * Copyright (C) 2016 Charles Keil

Lastly, Phoenix currently has no explicit license. This was not a problem when Phoenix was a one person closed source project but now that multiple contributors have provided non-trivial enhancements the safest future proof approach would be to have a suitable explicit license. #28 has more of my musings on the subject. For now I suppose I may assume I have your permission to distribute sources or binaries derived from the code you have contributed to Phoenix for the purpose of playing Emperor of the Fading Suns.

charleskeil commented 8 years ago

I thought I had accounted for all possible tile combinations, but I must have been off by one.

Also, I added a copyright statement. I don't have much of an opinion about open source licenses at the moment. They all seem pretty much equivalent to me. But I'll look over #28 and leave my thoughts.