joulupunikki / Phoenix

Java clone/remake/patch of the game Emperor of the Fading Suns
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Make the unmoved units list semantics more like standard EFS.EXE #99

Closed joulupunikki closed 7 years ago

joulupunikki commented 7 years ago

A discussion from bay12forums:

The unit iterator currently works as follows: at the start of turn, all your non-sentried units are put into a list of unmoved units. If you click on red arrow, all units in the current stack are removed from the list of unmoved units and focus moves to the next stack in unmoved units. If you click on the green arrow the focus moves to the next stack in the list of unmoved units. If there are no more units left in unmoved units the you will get the "You have moved all your units." The behavior of the unit iterator could modified to something better ... I'm open to suggestions.

With the unit iterator in regular EFS, I would typically use the red arrow to scroll through all of my units (and make key/important moves) until no more moves remained, but I would use the green arrows after the fact to keep going through my units a bit more to make up my mind on other moves I had put off or was still considering. I would have to be a lot more careful scrolling through units with this new way.

I actually only just took a closer look at how exactly the EFS.EXE unit iterator works. It seems to work like what I described in my previous post, except when you have gone through all your units with the red arrows button and select no for the end of turn question it will reset the unmoved units list and the red arrows button starts to behave like the green arrows button so it will cycle through your units, zero move points or not, presumably ad infinitum. I think that for starters I'll copy the above behavior with the exception that the red arrows button will not change behavior, so it will just reset the unmoved units list after you have gone though all your units with the red arrows button so you can cycle though your units again.