jow- / luci-ng

LuCI on Angular
84 stars 26 forks source link

[RFC] Update to show stalled state #62

Closed aparcar closed 3 years ago

aparcar commented 4 years ago

luci-ng sounds nice and may confuse people that this is something to look into. Instead we should promote the new LuCi implementation.

ianchi commented 4 years ago

I will leave this to @jow-, to define the direction of the project.

Anyway, I take the opportunity to comment on the advances. Even though slow, I have worked quite a bit on the underlying framework that powers the json views. So far it was mainly in my computer, but as now it is more or less stable, I pushed all to the respective repositories/npmjs.

You can take a look at the current status at a live OpenWrt instance (user: guest / psw: guest).

Mainly look at Status and System. I enclose some print screens image


Additionally, I've worked on some tooling to generate json schemas to validate the view definitions, and in a simple language server to integrate in VS Code and have schema check, auto completion and automatic expression validations: src-1580671869405

Any help, revisions and ideas are welcomed. If you want to take a look at the code, I think that at the moment you should pretend that all the framework and shell code is decent enough and instead take a very critic look at the json view definitions' approach at luci2-ui-core/src/schemas. The best examples to start from are: system and development/ubus