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Create a shared library from the Fortran sources provided by Refprop from NIST. This project provides an alternative to the refprop.dll that comes with the software. Please use the official instructions if possible
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Name mangling #21

Open jowr opened 9 years ago

jowr commented 9 years ago

If the changes from commit and issues and do not throw any errors in the future, we would like to them here as well. The header files are a mess and it would be really nice to clean things up.

ghost commented 9 years ago

I agree that it would be great. More generally speaking, could it be a way to not overlap between coolprop and

jowr commented 9 years ago

I am not sure what you refer to. CoolProp internally uses its own REFPROP headers and therefore does not require librefprop and its headers to be installed. You only need the librefprop headers if you would like to develop your own software that directly accesses REFPROP. There is no clash since CoolProp does not provide the REFPROP headers. No matter what, I agree that it would be ideal if CoolProp used the librefprop headers instead of its own version.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Yeah, (something to define with them?), so we get the same headers everywhere :-)

jowr commented 9 years ago

Who is 'them'? One way forward could be to just copy the headers from CoolProp. They work and they should be exactly the same from the programming point of view. Another possibility is to make this project and external dependency of CoolProp, just like Catch and Eigen. That would mean the main headers are here and tha CoolProp only pulls them for compilation. I'll create an issue over there.

ghost commented 9 years ago

"Them" is coolprop devs ;-) ; Perfect, for the issue creation :-) I think it's a good thing to define a way to manage with them then stick to it :-).