joxeankoret / pigaios

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Python3 `long` doesn't exist anymore #17

Closed ekaitz-zarraga closed 5 years ago

ekaitz-zarraga commented 5 years ago

long type does not exist in python3: It uses int.

(Working on a patch)

cclauss commented 5 years ago

Please add __raw_input(), reload(), and xrange()__ to the list.

flake8 testing of on Python 3.7.1

$ flake8 . --count --select=E901,E999,F821,F822,F823 --show-source --statistics

./ F821 undefined name 'reload'
./ F821 undefined name 'long'
      elif type(src_row[field]) in [int, long]:
./ F821 undefined name 'long'
      elif type(src_row[field]) in [int, long]:
./ F821 undefined name 'long'
        func_ea = long(row[0])
./ F821 undefined name 'long'
      func_ea = long(row[0])
./ F821 undefined name 'long'
            log(msg % (call_type, src_id, long(bin_ea), row["name"], len(bin_rows) * len(src_rows)))
./ F821 undefined name 'long'
                  self.add_match(long(src_row[call_type]), bin_row[call_type],
./ F821 undefined name 'long'
        bin_id = long(row["id"])
./ F821 undefined name 'long'
      bin_func_name = self.get_function_name(long(ea))
./ F821 undefined name 'reload'
./exporters/ F821 undefined name 'xrange'
  for i in xrange(64):
./exporters/ F821 undefined name 'long'
      tmp1 = long(val1)
./exporters/ F821 undefined name 'long'
      tmp2 = long(val2)
./exporters/ F821 undefined name 'long'
      tmp1 = long(val1)
./exporters/ F821 undefined name 'long'
      tmp2 = long(val2)
./exporters/ F821 undefined name 'long'
      tmp1 = long(val1)
./exporters/ F821 undefined name 'long'
      tmp2 = long(val2)
./exporters/ F821 undefined name 'long'
      tmp1 = long(val1)
./exporters/ F821 undefined name 'long'
      tmp2 = long(val2)
./exporters/ F821 undefined name 'long'
      token = long(token, 16)
./exporters/ F821 undefined name 'long'
      token = long(token, 8)
./exporters/ F821 undefined name 'raw_input'
    cmd = raw_input("C expr> ")
./ml/ F821 undefined name 'long'
      elif type(row["src_%s" % field]) in [int, long]:
23    F821 undefined name 'long'
ekaitz-zarraga commented 5 years ago

Maybe open a full Python3 compatibility issue for that?

joxeankoret commented 5 years ago

The problem is that only parts of it could be ported to Python 3.X as, for example, IDA doesn't support Python 3 and the Python clang bindings, in my testing, didn't properly support either.

cclauss commented 5 years ago

Let's make sure that this codebase is Python 3 ready. That will give us more momentum to push any dependencies to also make the conversion.

joxeankoret commented 5 years ago

It was fixed some commits ago.

cclauss commented 5 years ago

When run on Python 3, flake8 still reports 2 syntax errors (print statements) and 22 undefined names.